This is an incredibly late response; thanks for reminding me of my timeless jokes. Bravo you and me.
This is an incredibly late response; thanks for reminding me of my timeless jokes. Bravo you and me.
Yes, because just popping into a store with a child is the easiest thing on earth.
Well, I don’t have “fuck you” money, so City Mini was high end for a plebe like me. I’m being sarcastic, but I do agree with you and know exactly what you mean.
For big tickets (like jogger/stroller), brand mattered for us. The price gets up there, but so does the quality. YMMV. (City Mini is what we’ve really liked).
Baby advice that does matter: The smell of a clean shirt makes a baby nauseous.
You just described why I love driving my Austin Healey Sprite.
Pancakes freeze pretty well. So, you can also make a big batch and then just pop then in the toaster later on.
I know, I know, you’ve never “heard of leftover fried chicken,” because leftovers are for punks, but that’s too bad, because cold fried chicken is second only to cold pizza.
Imagine how long your preambles to math questions could have been!
So, by your logic, Nissan can’t sell Leafs with all its other cars.
If you think Kansas City has “big city amenities,” you have not been to a big city.