
Huh. I didn’t know that about the song. Granted, every time it played on the radio I would turn it off.

The goal of every aspiring professional football player should be to play as little football as possible until they get paid for it.

I’m still kind of mad that ‘female empowerment’ is embodied by a girl, rather than a grown-ass woman. But I guess girls are non-threatening enough to not crush the testicles of these manbabies....

This was pitch perfect. I’m pretty sure the real Spicer would love a podium he could pick up and beat people with.

The sooner people realize McCarthy is in the top 5 of the funniest people who ever lived ever the better off we’ll all be.

Guess they finally tapped out the whole lucrative “fat people who frequent amusement parks” demo

Allow me a brief moment of soapboxing-

Imagine the poor boyfriend. “I said I wanted strippers, not scriptures.”

word on the street is that ann curry wasnt available.

Poor Tiffany, even when she is standing right in front of her dad he will do everything he can to ignore her...

Lamar Jackson might want to REALLY consider staying in school and not entering the NFL draft this year.

This is how watching actual NFL games is, too. You sit through 5 minutes of bullshit ads to watch a kickoff go for a touchback, then 5 more minutes of ads.

Fuck these NFL highlight tweets. Almost every single one requires following links that open three different browser windows before I can actually watch the clip on my phone. No highlight is worth that hassle.

He wants her in a labor camp and her husband at the back of the bus. But, yes, let’s warn about America’s children that you propose are resegregated.. and while you’re worried about the children, you weren’t so worried about the young girls/children your husband molested, showered with, and fucked over, were you? Fuck

I never thought I would be in favor of global warming, but maybe we don’t deserve to inhabit this planet anymore. Humans are the worst.

What was the first rule again?

Goodell: Stop talking about concussions.

Sounds to me like someone’s angling to be the new Surgeon General.....