Purple Dave

So the instant you start out with "what if God exists", the story is a giant plot hole in the making? How Atheist-Fundamentalist of you.

If I'm following this all correctly, _we_ are the Final Five lot of Cylons already, since the entire planet was supposed to have been settled by them, All Along The Watchtower was a song that Anders was able to play for the others, and we have a thing for monotheism.

Hey, my priorities are straight as a board. I have pointedly avoided watching Catwoman from the moment I first saw her costume, thereby preventing any viewing of her whipwork. Advantage: me.

Ah, got it. I'd heard about the "angels" bit at the end long before I even started watching Caprica, but all they've said at this point is that Earth was destroyed way before Caprica took place.

Okay, so I have to ask this because it's seriously bugging me. I've been watching the nBSG series on BBCA (six eps to go, I think). So they get to Earth and find out that it's been 2000 years or so since the Cylons colonized that (this) planet. Then in the Caprica series (which I watched in original broadcast),

Have you ever been in an accident? I have. Some guy jumped the gun on a blinking red and did a left turn right in front of me on a road with, I think, a 40mph speed limit. The roads were slushy that day, so some of the impact was soaked up by the fact that I sent his car into a spin, but I still caved in his front

I'm pretty sure at this point T-Dog is going to resolve one of two ways. Either some of the other characters are going to be discussing how much they miss him after he's died (while the entire audience goes "WTF"), or the entire cast is going to be killed off in the series finale _except_ for T-Dog because the

As I understand it, the dude from the RV was Jimmy, Hershel's son. The woman who got tackled in the field was Patricia (?), Otis' widow. In both cases we were introduced to them back in October, after which they've mostly just been extra work for the make-up crew.

I'd forgotten that, but I do remember now that it came up in an episode earlier this season. Once. And then he didn't say anything for a few episodes and it kinda fell out of conscious thought.

No way. If his name was Ted Moseby, he'd be talking all the time.

Think about Shane's last bus ride, where he'd take the knife he's been using to stab zombies for over a dozen episodes, slices his own hand open with it, smears his blood on a bus door, kills a zombie with the same knife, cuts his hand _again_ (because apparently the wound sealed up that quickly), and smears more

My answer got a lot larger now that Shane's dead.

Before they showed Michonne, I was kinda hoping they'd all be at the Sophia shrine, consoling each other over the deaths of all those various zombie-snacks, when suddenly Andrea would burst out of the woods, see everyone standing around, with cars and motorcycles and bodies that aren't covered in sweat, and just go

Maybe the wind was blowing towards the zombies, so the stench was being carried away from Rick and Carl.

Well, walkies require _some_ infrastructure. Or a solar battery charger. They have a few other drawbacks as well. Imagine Rick trying to stealth his way past a moderately-sized hunger of zombies, when suddenly his walkie chirps up and someone wants to let him know that there's a bunch of zombies headed his way.

We've seen some crazy real-life biological mind control in the last couple years, like that fungus that infects ants and causes them to go find a suitable place for the fungus to mature before it spores and potentially infects more ants. And it turns out there are four known different fungi that pull this trick with

I think you're giving them too much credit. They can't figure out a ladder when someone is throwing chickens at them from the hayloft. They can't recognize a live person draped in zombie-guts by sight alone. Helicopter = movement = something that might be food. Loud noises = movement = something that might be

Considering the way it was set up, and the fact that we kept seeing many of the same zombies over and over again, I think it was pretty clear that we were supposed to take that to mean that the horse-munchers finally caught up with Rick. Now, whether they're supposed to be the same as the season openers, I couldn't

I thought it was funny how they were all concerned about how losing the red truck meant they'd all have to try to fit in the little car when I'm pretty sure someone drove up to the Sophie shrine in a blue truck that they apparently chose to leave behind.

Are you still eating those Olestra chips?