Purple Dave

Scrooge's money has traditionally consisted of gold stored in a personal, non-interest-bearing vault. So not only is that money not earning more money year after year, but its value _always_ has to be converted in order to express it as any type of government-backed currency. As the price of gold and the value of

That's because you smell the mint and instantly think to yourself, "Is that something yummy that I smell?"

Worked for the Pistons three years in a row, as I recall. Or maybe it was the fact that he didn't have a team to back him up and they knew it.

I didn't say I _do_ it. Just that you can. Heck, cheese shouldn't sit around long enough to sprout mold in the first place. I think the only time I've had it happen in recent years was one piece of string cheese that was improperly sealed, and so had probably already started to go bad before I even purchased the

So we know that sharks like to hunt by attacking seal-shaped silhouettes from below, which is where a lot of surfers wind up in trouble. Would it help to make the underside of surfboards and bodyboards glow?

The RAF played around with paint colors during WWII and determined that pink was the optimal base color for the underside of an aircraft, since most missions would be flown between dusk and dawn, and the pink would blend nicely with any clouds. But nobody wanted to fly them.

Toy Story, Toy Story 2, Finding Nemo, The Incredibles, Ratatouille, Monsters Inc., and A Bug's Life aren't listed either. They just went with their last three big hits. Cars 2 got bumped because it's as close to a flop as they've ever gotten. Cars wasn't recent enough to even be in the running.

Yes and no. In the prequel era, yes, they were all clones of Jango Fett, though there was one clone who was kept aside and raised as a child. In the OT era, we don't have any clear indication as to whether they're still clones or natural humans instead. And at no point in the prequels do they ever refer to the

The irony there is that the traditional way of tenderizing meat is to hang the carcass up until it has a growth of mold on it, cut off the bad parts, and serve up the rest.

But the mold that grows on cheese is not the same thing as the cheese. When you've got a yellow cheese and it sprouts a white and green growth, you don't want to mess with the bits that aren't yellow.

Look at that first animated GIF of Robb, and tell me what about that is better than just having a static image. You can't pick out any details in the background because it's constantly shifting out of your focus, but neither does it run long enough for you to find any action to follow. If they're long enough to give

Whoops, I just realized I left Harrenhall off the 2.4 location list. Still, three variations in four episodes, which is about the same pace that we got in S1. S1 reverted back to the 1.2 core version a couple times, though, and I don't think S2 will lend itself to a core version in the same way. Certainly not one

They're tweaked to show the geography of the episode, so you can kind of keep up with where the action is taking place in the greater world. The first season started out with one episode that featured Pentos, and the rest of the season replaced it with Vaes Dothrak after the Targaryens left the city with Khal Drogo.

Ep 2.1: King's Landing, Dragonstone, Winterfell, Wall, KL, Vaes Dothrak

"Congratulations, Stannis, it's a baby...um...well...I'm not sure 'boy' is the right word. Oh, hey, in honor of King Joffrey's coronation, we're offering free paternity tests this week. Care to give it a try?

You can actually do that with a lot of plant-based foods. Not so much with meat, but you can cut out a brown part of an apple and the rest will be edible. Not plant-based, but cheese is another one where you can slice off the moldy bits and salvage the rest.

"Hello? Mrs. Lannist...er, I'm sorry (the neighbors do talk!). Mrs. Baratheon? Yes, this is...well, I guess you could call me Mrs. Baratheon as well. Yes, I'm calling because my son...um, Esau...well, he seems like he might enjoy playing with your Joffrey, so I was hoping we could set up a playdate."

Actually...honey can stay "fresh" for an unknown period of time if it is _properly_sealed_. If you just leave it out, it'll still go bad. Probably mold would set up shop, if bacteria wouldn't survive.

Stannis' castle (Dragonstone?) was a bit more animated...until they left and it got dropped from the credits.

Don't expect much in the way of major armed conflict in this series. They're boring to script, they're expensive to shoot, and they do very little to advance the plot which is clearly being heavily condensed as it is. That's not to say it won't happen, but what we saw at the start of the episode is much more