Purple Dave

Remember, the last time we saw the Dothraki, Jorah was telling her that if they went this direction, someone would kill them and steal her dragons. If they went a different direction, someone would kill them and steal her dragons. If they went in yet another direction, someone would kill them and steal her dragons.

Polliver was the guy who the woman begged for food (she clearly said that name), and, I believe, the one who hit her in response.

I'd point you at the masthead, but I don't know where they're hiding it these days. Suffice it to say, the two top posts are held by women, and about half the staff are women as well. Probably about half the readership, too. About the most problematic it tends to get is when you're trying to figure out what pronoun

Okay, that actually makes sense, and I'm no longer annoyed that they cheaped out on it. The Pyke, on the other hand, has a seriously lame animation.

First off, less animated GIFs. They suck. They're too short to show anything worth seeing, and that first one especially just looks like someone is wiggling the screen while you're trying to read.

If by "launch" you mean attach to a helium-powered weather balloon, and if by "space" you mean slightly over 1/3 of the distance to the internationally recognized boundary to Space, then yes. Otherwise, they did what anyone with a weather balloon and a rubber chicken could do, which is sent it up to an altitude of

Chickens are, by definition, a rather chickenish lot. They tend not to express anger so much as bravely run away.

Gonzo better hope Miss Piggy doesn't hear about this...

Simple solution: Stick to freshwater swimming. Then all you have to worry about is maybe a once-in-a-lifetime bull shark.

You also run the chance of wasting a lot of destructive force on parts of the surface that you don't care about. Say you have one target area that's three times as long as it is wide. To destroy that entire target you need a bomb that has a destructive diameter equal to the length of the target. Otherwise, you

Every single one of them.

Here's what I got from it. If Little Boy was powerful enough to do what it did to Hiroshima, and this beast is over _3000x_ as powerful, it could turn most of New York into a glass parking lot. And by New York, I mean the state, not the city. How's that for relatable?

I'd just be satisfied if they finally put the Lobo web-series out on DVD. Preferably along with either the rest of The Zeta Project and/or all of Static Shock. You know, because those are the three gaping holes in my DCAU DVD collection.

Clearly you've never heard of medieval torture dungeons and oriental foot-binding.

"Everything you need to know to catch this weekend’s Lyrid meteor shower"

Ironically, my copy is the smallest ever, since it has all 5.1 books in a single volume.

If you're talking about Time Warp, it actually went both ways. This was shot at 2500fps, where TW apparently went anywhere from 500fps to 20,000fps in full color, and up to 40,000fps in B/W. Frame rate depended on what they were trying to shoot, and whether it made sense to shoot faster or slower. So for any

I have _NEVER_ been told not to mix lawn mowers and carpet. What I have been told (not personally, mind you) is not to pick a lawn mower up by the shroud and use it as a hedge-trimmer. And I'd really suggest that anyone who thinks that might be fun should take a little more time to think it through. Like however

All I can think about is this: Gregor and Brienne, sitting in a tree, f-a-l-l-i-n-g...because the tree couldn't hold up to their combined weight and collapsed, killing half a dozen peasants that it landed on. Twenty more were crushed by Gregor and Brienne.

I got from it that he was so focussed on revenge (Willem) that he forgot why he was seeking it in the first place (his brother).