Purple Dave

Once it starts raining, insects just hang on for dear life until it's all over. Imagine trying to walk across a tightrope while basketballs are raining down around you.

I had a friend from NYC tell me that they have flying roaches there, too.

Or cheap swords that didn't use different grades of steel and therefore wouldn't take on the distinctive curve of the katana, but which would be a lot faster to produce and less expensive to buy.

There's a cut scene that explains how her uniform top transitioned from pristine to kinda not in factory condition, but it's been a few years since I watched the cut scenes, so I can't even remember if that's something you can watch right off the bat or if you have to watch the entire movie first, then activate the

They probably still haven't released that on DVD, have they? I've got it saved on my DVR, but I'd like to clear it off of there at some point, which means either (preferably) buying a copy, or trying to burn one and hope they didn't tag it as Protected Content.

Considering that the solo images depict both of them with their traditional weapons, and the group shot shows them with blades sticking out of what could otherwise be their traditional weapons, it's _possible_ that they do have pop-out blades.

They did a full reboot that was based more on the original comic books instead of whatever that first series was supposed to be, but that was more like ten years ago, and about 4-5 years after that they tanked it by changing it to TMNT Flash Forward (Fast Forward?), which was set in the future and heavily featured the

Any character that wears a mask that surrounds their eyes gets solid white eyes. Batman, Hal Jordan, the TMNT series from about ten years ago... Well, except for the flashback episodes where they're all kids wearing Zorro half-head masks, I guess.

That jumpsuit-wearing Rainbow-Brite wannabe from the first cartoon wasn't April O'Neil either. Heck, for as much as she actually _did_ have some science chops, the April from the more recent cartoon was still the wrong color (though how many black women have you met who introduced themselves with an Irish surname?).

I own a condo, so that's pretty much a no go for me, then. Unless I can get my parents to plant some...

I watched Gordon Ramsey's Shark Bait when it first aired. I kept it on my DVR to watch again some day, and I just couldn't. A former coworker and I used to talk about how cool sharks were, and how stupid people can be about and around them, and I told him that if he ever ran across that episode in the listings and

Well, yeah. It's surrounded by rocky terrain. The Iron Throne is sitting on a nice, flat dais.

Again, I'm referring more to the wide shot where Luke has just jumped out and resumed fighting. When Vader is still fighting back.

So I was watching the George Lucas episode of "Prophets of Sci-Fi" (this is on-topic, I swear). And they get to the point where he was pitching the first movie to all the major studios, and none of them was biting. Then they switch to some guy who's telling us that Hollywood just wasn't ready for Star Wars at that

Can't reliably track it back to the source, can't cite it.

Hey, within the context of the HHG series, it totally makes sense. I mean, if you can fly by falling and just failing to hit the ground, things clearly don't work the way we're used to.

There _have_ to be rules for citing every media format because any media format could serve as a source for material that you'd want to cite. And if that's the case, there needs to be a format for how to do so, so anyone who's trying to track back to the original source material can do so reliably. It's not that

I'm more specifically referring to the moment right after Vader suggests that Leia might be a suitable apprentice, when Luke yells "Nooo!" and leaps out to begin the duel anew. That moment. Before Vader collapses and Luke just beats away at him until he cleaves his hand off. The music starts to swell, the

Turns out Vega is just so stoned out of his gourd that he _thinks_ he's Britten. And living parallel lives.

Horses are immaterial to the fact that cats are smarter than dogs, since they aren't cats or dogs.