Purple Dave

The specific theory embodied by this graph was that anyone who was 10+ when they first saw RotJ would hate the Ewoks, where anyone who was no older than 9 would have loved them as a child, forever skewing their feelings toward that movie.

That actually came up in the episode that gave us this graph. If you were born on the right side of the line, but did not watch the SW trilogy until after you were ten years old, then it effectively put you on the wrong side of the line.

And that's something that atheist-fundamentalists tend to forget about Sagan. He understood that you can't use science to disprove the divine. After all, if the entire universe was created by a divine being, then all the laws of physics that operate within that universe were, by definition, created by that same

But there are other things at play here. One is that where you think you'll be safe and where I think I'll be safe may be completely opposed to each other, and may even be dependant upon what resources each individual or group has available, including the resource of fellow humans to watch your back and make

*scans comments*

He looked pretty rabbitish in that shot (white rabbitish, even). And Jack Sprat was not a vegetarian. He just had to have all the fat trimmed off before he'd touch a piece of meat. So stuff like turkey bacon, which is practically a death sentance in itself.

No matter how politely you put it, when you tell someone that their beliefs are wrong, you come across as a bit of a jerk.

I have said on more than one occassion that there is nothing about penguins that's not funny. However, it's midnight PST right now, so they're mostly just sleeping. With the lights on. Still, there's a fat one right near the camera whose flippers are posed like he's the Geek from Surf's Up. So still a little

Okay, just think about this for a moment. Luke gets the droids on Day 1, cleans them up, watches the sunset, and goes to bed. On Day 2, he gets up, discovers that R2 has run off, and goes out to chase him down, for however long that takes. Even if he was able to follow the path, he's looking at chasing down a droid

Even assuming hyperspace travel is near-instantaneous, it's a bit longer than that. Luke sleeps once at the Lars homestead and once more at Kenobi's hut before they even get to Mos Eisley, from what I recall.

I thought Crimson Empire did it first.

Aw, look at you, trying to force your beliefs down other peoples' throats.

I've still got all the original broadcasts recorded, and here's what I'm finding. The original opening credits go as thus:

The panther family includes lions, tigers, leopards and jaguars. Cougars are also sometimes referred to as panthers, though they don't have spots on their coats, and they're actually members of the puma family. Leopards and jaguars with solid black coats are referred to as black panthers. This, however, is clearly

The only time I remember any confirmation that Merle would be back was for his brother's dream seqence episode. Which he was, except for the fact that it wasn't him. Now, maybe I missed something, but as far as I'm concerned, Merle and the father/son from S1 are in the past and we should not expect to see them

Where Ep1 had the most awesome lightsaber battle ever, Ep6 had the most powerful scene of the entire series. And that scene is when Luke loses his shit and starts turning to the Dark Side. The cinematography and the score combine to make it obvious that this one moment is the biggest threat to the Rebellion, more

Not really. It starts out with the words "Cartier presents" flashed on the screen, they do a close-up of the ring being worn by the lady on the Russian sleigh, another close-up on the pilot's watch, the bracelet on the supermodel, and there's the fact that the leopard started off encrusted in diamonds (which the

Okay, I gotta ask this. Did Alice eat the one cookie that makes you fatter, or did I totally misread the carrot reference?

The Throne of Swords is not a geographic landmark, and it is never depicted in the GoT credits map, seeing as it's actually located inside a building at King's Landing.

It's all a matter of how the copyright laws are written. You can't rent vinyl records under US law, but DVDs do not have that same restriction. They are apparently restricted under international law, but I'm not sure if it applies within the US. Streaming, on the other hand, involves the production of a new copy,