Purple Dave

They're replaying the DC Nation shows this evening, so check your listings.

It does kinda make you wonder why the White Pumpkin has such trouble getting laid. Maybe new partners would be hard to find, but you'd think she'd have a small cadre of regulars lining up every night.

Forget the blackjack!

Hooray! One other person on the entire internet that realizes why that shouldn't have happened! My faith in humanity is restor... well, maybe better not go that far, but some of the tarnish has been rubbed off, at least.

Or (and this is the part that bugged me the most), just wait for the water to stop flooding in the instant it fills up to the top of the broken porthole, trapping a giant air bubble inside the top of the room. Then figure out how to crawl through the ductwork into a non-flooded room. Because physics.

I get this sneaking suspicion that you've watched Austin Powers in the recent past...

Because she's not the half-feral grey tiger that I had in my youth. When she catches hummingbirds, leaves half-snakes around, and scares foxes enough to keep them on the other side of the property line, get back to me.

Cats: Developing ways to thwart counterfieting attempts before we could even figure out how to try. Just one more bit of proof of their superiority to dogs.

"these parasites do not attach to human tongues"

I had a coworker who said he used to think that's how it worked. Get high, then it wears off and you're fine. Then he had to give it up for real, and he said it was like a fog finally lifted in his brain after he'd finally purged it all from his system. Just because the high wears off after a matter of hours

I watched that one, and it was really interesting that the only one of the four that actually improved performance to any significant degree (either heroin or cocaine, can't remember which) is the one that will cause your mid-life crisis to be the day your heart bursts because it's been beating twice as fast as it

But it's indicative of a pattern where people who have lots of wealth are reluctant to let any of it go, to the extent of doing immoral, unethical, and flat out illegal things to avoid doing so.

It's not the exact phrase, but the second is an accurate description of what's specified in the Bible. Crucifixion kills you by making it impossible to exhale (which in turn prevents you from inhaling). As long as you can lift your torso up by straightening your legs (and therefore "standing" on the spike that they

I didn't know anyone who watched it at the time, and it wasn't particularly good, but it was better than Legend of the Seeker. Not by much, but still better. I think it had something to do with the fact that Ledger in Roar didn't constantly make me want to punch him in the face for aspiring to be an actor, where

I think there's a law of nature that makes it impossible to do a feature-length version of any Dr. Seuss book that doesn't suck donkey balls. The short versions, on the other hand, have never failed to impress. I remember watching the old Lorax special, always back-to-back with the one about the Star-Bellied

"Scientists looked at the waves coming off the leaves of plants and showed that the light coming off the surface of the leaves was circularly polarized."

If you want to hear realistic weapons fire, watch Heat (the good one, not the Burt Reynolds one). They did the entire bank shootout scene with live audio, then went back in as everyone does to replace it with canned audio. Then they decided it sounded fake and went back to the original on-site audio, with all the

I suppose that's possible, but the one time that it really caught my attention it seriously sounded like they said "defib". Unfortunately, I can't remember what I was watching at the time, so I have no way to confirm one way or the other now.

Re: #9, we are also constantly bombarded by the idea that you use a defibrillator when the patient has "gone into defib". Defib is the fix for which fibrillation (or unsynchronized, spasmodic heart muscle contractions) is the problem.