Purple Dave

Well, there is that rich lady from New York who just got busted for having imported an illegal immigrant to be her nanny, making her work 17-hour days seven days a week, no vacation, no days off, no benefits, and only paid her under $30k for something like six _years_ of hard labor. Oh, and making her sleep in a

Well, it appears that Earth-16 is already defined in the 52-verse, so it remains to be seen if the Young Justice Earth-16 will conflict with the Super-Sons Earth-16, or if they could indeed be the same universe without any continuity issues.

Sorry, remembered the wrong number, and didn't get back here soon enough to edit. It's less than 200 homes per turbine, which might seem like a lot until you consider that they're pitched as being able to provide enough to power 700 homes. But that assumes it can operate at peak power 24/7, which also assumes that

Firstly, all forms of geek cards revoked, lifetime ban, for failing to catch the joke. I mean, seriously. 80 gigawatts of power, photo of Doc Brown, and trying to store energy in the form of lightning. You should be ashamed of yourself.

Yeah, looking down at the inoperative wind farm wasn't the research. It's just what got him looking into things.

Yeah, I understand that bit. But what made them pick Earth-16 for Young Justice? Were Earths 1-15 taken, so 16 was the next available iteration? Was Earth-16 already defined and determined to be the best fit for what they wanted to do with Young Justice? Did they pick the number out of a hat?

My dad's research was based on having looked down the last time he flew into California, where he saw a completely inert wind farm set up in a mountain valley. The issue isn't whether you can generate large amounts of power, but whether it can cover its own costs, much less actually turn a profit.

Regardless of whether they programmed in enough heft, there's more in that cape than there was in Spiderman's entire body in at least the first movie of the recent trilogy. At least based on what bits they used to promote the movie in the trailers that I remember watching. Hence the term "rag-doll physics", because

It's called electrolysis and hydrogen fuel cells, and it's not so much your best friend's idea as it is something that has been kicking around in the public consciousness for long enough that at least the fuel cell portion was a major plot device in the last Bond flick. And by extension we can assume that the

So you build enough generation capability to produce 100 units of power, but it's an all-or-nothing system. You are either generating that much power, or you're in a lull (wind died down, sun set, whatever) and you aren't generating any. Peak usage is 75 units for half the day, and off-hours usage drops to 24 for

Several threads up from here someone suggested that we need to try storing it as lightning. I couldn't help chuckling internally.

Ah-nold in the Terminator series, if I'm not mistaken.

According to my dad's research, wind farms don't pay. When you consider the cost of installing them, maintaining them, and repairing them vs. the amount of power they produce _when_ they're actually producing power (and the fact that Mother Nature has more control over the downtime than we do), your net gain for

If by promise you mean as eye candy, then I agree with you. I wasn't really expecting it to push boundaries, though.

Well, if you only saw the NBC miniseries in original broadcast, as I had (didn't pay for TV back in those days), then nBSG pretty much sucked donkey balls. It's a lot better if you watch the full miniseries. I'm not saying it knocked my socks off, but I haven't hated watching it, aside from Baltar.

Several things come to mind on this. The first is that Firefly and nBSG didn't change jack about the way I see things. Firefly bored me in original broadcast, and even watching it twice through, in the right order mind you, hasn't done anything to convince me that it would have ever gotten better (matter of fact, if

All I was noticing was how heavy the cape looks. Usually the problem you get with CGI is that everything has ragdoll physics, like there's no real heft to anything, including the characters.

Yeah, he might want to lay off the blatant copyright/trademark infringement if he ever plans to sell those for real. With the "death-sticks" bit in Ep2, it's pretty much a lock that Lucas will buy the house across the street to stable a team of lawyers until the lawsuit is resolved. If it's just an artistic work

I heard what actually killed them was the gas tank exploding when they backed into the wing harness a little too hard.

You just need to soak them in laser-proof dye for a bit first.