
Great list! I see a lot here that I’d love to explore further. I’d include “The Raw Shark Texts” as an addition; it wasn’t the single most amazing book ever, but it was really fascinating and completely genrefluid in a really satisfying way. Kept making me look up and say “Oh, we’re in a mystery! Oh, this is sci-fi!

There aren’t any non-white ninjas either, since the Shinobi as a class was long gone, and the whole art they practiced relegated to myth and fantasy, by the mid-1800’s. The so-called ninjitsu martial art pretty much admits that it’s entirely made up (and basically just using the word “ninja” because of the cool

Fun as this entire comment section is, this link is what made it for me. I am now this guy's biggest fan. Whatever he doesn't have in dick, he makes up for tenfold in sheer balls! ::cheers::

Heyo — I'm a student of Chinese internal martial arts (kungfu and taiji), and I've studied the one-inch punch in pretty good detail. This article is great (though the video...meh) — but I can add something it's missing about what makes the OIP work: HOW did Bruce (or does any of the other masters who can do it — I

As others have pointed out, the Packard plant takeover isn't an example of agriculture in Detroit. Those farms certainly exist, though they're small, constantly at the whim of the city shutting them down, and have other, sneakier problems to boot — I actually wrote an article a while ago called The Problems With

This is me too. I make no argument that my personal anecdote, by itself, says anything about the flu shot...but I would also feel like an idiot if I kept getting them, in spite of the fact that with 100% accuracy every time I get them, I get sick; and when I don't, I don't...because *other* people's anecdotes say

Sage Francis calling it "PBTSD" made it all worth it, though.

Wrongful death is certainly a valid crime, and if you bully or stalk someone to the point where they snap and kill themselves, you're guilty of it — whether another person might have not snapped is irrelevant; that's like arguing that I shouldn't be punished for shooting someone to death because someone else with

There's a misleading assumption here, though — that people who can taste bitter more strongly will dislike it. I'm renowned among my friends for my pro-bitter tastes (I like coffee with milk best, but will happily drink it black; and I'm one of those I'd-like-the-IPA-that-feels-like-a-2x4-to-the-head-please beer

rosyfingereddawn has what I think are the perfect suggestions for introductions to ethics — especially the "GOTMOM" as I call it; Kant's "Groundwork" is a small, awesome read and by far his most accessible work.

The "Golden Rule" is a line from some translations of the Bible, but it didn't make the cut as a commandment for a few reasons — one, it's New Testament, not Old; and two, it's a categorical, not a hypothetical, rule. A hypothetical rule tells you "always do this thing no matter what" (i.e. Do Not Steal), whereas a

I wish it were presented that way, actually — some more discussion about memes, horror memes and modern "ghost stories" taking root on the Internet would have been fascinating (to me, anyway, as a genre writer). As it is, I felt like this was a thin veneer of something that could have been awesome if it'd been deeper.