If Obama can blame Bush for 8 years, I think Trump can blame Obama after 5 days
If Obama can blame Bush for 8 years, I think Trump can blame Obama after 5 days
Yeah, because giving Obama “credit” for “getting Bin Laden” makes so much more sense.
Fake news has infiltrated jalopnik. Can we get rid of this bias contributor?
Stfu. How many veterans were killed during Obama. Or Bush, or godamn George Washington. C’mon. You’ve got to be kidding me with that bullshit...
With no proof? Do civilians usually get a rundown of the information gained in raids? We’ll literally have no idea whether or not this raid was worth it until the info found is declassified.
He appears to be injecting a good bit of personal politics into this blog. Unfortunate.
Fuck you jalopnik. Keep your political views to yourself. You dickheads assuming you know an ounce of shit about veterans is a disgrace.
Right, because veterans and widows have never ever been at a SOTU address before.
I thought I accidentally opened MSNBC... 76% approval on his speech (FROM CNN!)... all but this tool
Nice to see you don’t let your own political views influence your writing.
You have been divided and conquered.
“You’ve gotta understand, they pay officers to think.”
The saltiness is palpable! Num num num num!
Starting your argument with “You fucking dumbass” pretty much negates any chance anyone will listen to you. Do you smug liberals ever learn. Also military life is not civilian life and god forbid the troops be proud of the commander and chief rather than a president that resented them for 8 years. The left needs to…
the difference is that if it were a hillary flag you wouldnt find conservatives pissing and whining about it.
you’re in the wrong place.
Exactly! How dare you put politics in a military procurement article that was commented on by a politician who can wield some influence with other politicians when it comes to buying stuff for the military!
How dare you inject politics into a story about military procurement.
Thank you hussein Obama for purposely making our military become a third world military.