Yeah almost as bad as stuttering uh uh uh uh uh uh uh okey doke?
Yeah almost as bad as stuttering uh uh uh uh uh uh uh okey doke?
I would refer you to Obamas long list of crap he claimed as his own but youre being dishonest on purpose so wont bother
Life lessons from a Clinton supporter now thats funny
Lets just toss out the truth thingy i mean after 8 years of Obama its just not going to work
So dumb = destroying the established political parties and winning with the entire mainstream media against him i know every Republican must be so ignorant to Lefties but the more yall try the Alintsky redicule tactic whats its really saying is this guy is so dumb where does that leave those he defeated?
You know i have no problem reading yall whining bout Trump i prolly would also if i was a Leftie and got crushed like that but considering Pizzagate which does involve both parties at the highest levels lets leave out NAMBLA jokes although i know its hard for yall to complete a sentence without bringing up something…
Thank you for that i rarely read fiction but found that to be a eye opener and have been worried about quality vs quantity a long time.
I think its more of done on purpose than incompetence. Also theres the constant drain of dollars on DUMBs and the SSP. We are not being told the truth about anything its time to wake up before its too late and it almost is.
Its like Christmas everyday watching yall cry like babies while assuming that smug know it all attitude please dont stop havent enjoyed life this much for 8 years
Smug liberals who think they are the smartest people in the room are definitely worse
Once the non-citizen vote and the felon vote is taken away he will win the popular vote. Also the EC is reflective that this is a Republic of United STATES. Im very happy the patriotic rural areas pick the leaders liberals like electing blame America first candidates.
They seem to think anyone in the world has the same rights as a American citizen crazy isnt it?
Its not government programs or job training the people want its jobs its always what cant be done and what aint coming back with yall there has been no real growth since 2008 on purpose let a real man give it a try
Easy on the snowflakes they might go burn their cities down if Soros will pay them to
We are from the Government and here to help (unless its Louisiana)
Excellent painting with a broad brush is always more Atlintsky tatics than a real conversation. Btw i would add most Conservatives arent racist. Trump did great with minority voters and just wait till next time. His work ethic is going to amaze the beauracrats
Youre confusing the traitorous political leadership of the last 8 years way of running things with the militarys ability to achieve victory. Even under W the military was able to adapt and surge when there was no plan for the after phase. There was no success under Obama because he did not want it.