
Pretty much everyone I know has an old R4 or an AceKard because it is soooo easy to download games. With an R4 or an AceKard you can carry 20 DS games around on one micro SD card. Maybe the game companies should focus more on DLC.

Maybe Apple should take some of that iPhone money and buy Bungie now!

Hopefully, it is not another freaking awful Kinect game. Kinect is stupid.

Thumbs up! It is good to see Sony finally getting back on track. Sony lost its domination position with the Walkman to Apple's iPod. Sony lost its dominant share of the HD TV market market to LG and Panasonic. Sony lost its dominance of the video game console market to Nintendo's Wii. I am glad to see Sony putting

Nintendo and Microsoft should be very worried...

Nice! The PS3 is just racking up all the triple A exclusive titles. So sad for 360 owners, boo hoo! You can keep your lousy Kinects!!

My friend once gave me a tour of the Amblin Studio offices before it became Dreamworks. The entrance to Amblin Studio section of the Universal lot had the gates to Marty McFly's housing development. When we looked into Robert Zemeckis' office, he had the Mr. Fusion unit turned into a desk lamp. We also walked around

@Cleesox: Thumbs up! Guan Yu is like a freaking bearded juggernaut!

That is OK. I got burned out on Dynasty Warriors after DW3. That game is all the same and they Koei came out with all those space and samurai spin off games. Just make it freaking stop!!

@urfe: That just how imagine Jobs must be. Could you imagine how mad he was when that iPhone got leaked to Gizmodo??

$30,000 must be incorrect because that is really cheap. Heck, the salary for one person on the project team was probably $80,000. Beside we are talking about Microsoft here. Didn't they make like $16 billion dollars last year??

They only sell junk on HSN.

@LinkTheLove: Spoiled? Yes but parents are the enablers...

@jabber: My wife takes our two small toddlers to the library every Tuesday to check out books for them. My wife has no less than 40 books checked out for them at any one time. Being a single income family, I cannot imagine how much money the public library saves us a year. In addition, I think my toddlers relate to

I never stepped into a library in years until my wife showed me how I could request tons of music CD's online. Since them I have fallen in love with the library again. I am back to reading books and data mining their vast CD collection. All for free! Any YOUR tax dollars is paying for so you might as well use it!

This might be good news for Microsoft...

It figures a story like this would have all the 360 haters popping out of the woodwork to bash Microsoft. This only confirms what I have always suspected...