
@I want an Internship at Kotaku: Yes, but you are forget the transportation costs to get them to those troops. Everything (food, bullets, toilet paper) has to be moved through a pretty secure supply line to those troops which cost money.

It is good to hear Reggie say this. Reggie knows that thanks to technology market leadership can change overnight.

@LazyMan: I think Sony was thinking the same thing back when the Walkman was king. Technology changes to fast that companies like Nintendo cannot be compliant.

@nahde: Microsoft has been building a stock pile of games for WP7 for years through the XBL indie marketplace. Many of those games can be easily ported to WP7 thanks to Microsoft's multi-platform XNA programming language.

Nintendo really needs to partner with Google on a new Android phone. Nintendo's domination could be slipping away in the future. Microsoft knows which way the wind is blowing. Microsoft developed its XNA programming language to be portable between PC, Xbox, and Windows Mobile 7. It won't be long before you start

It is going to be Move compliant? I think it is ok that it is delayed. Sony has soooo many great exclusive titles that I can wait. This is one of the reason why not to buy an XBox 360...

@Shami 'Wowie' Sansi: This would have made a freaking awesome launch title for Kinects. Hopefully, this will be Lionhead's next problem after the launch of Fable III.

Is this a promotional stunt for Fable III?? Molyneux should get off his duff and make a version of Black & White for Kinect.

@Fenring: Troll harder, xbox boy..

Does anyone have blue balls since they got their Move? Ha, ha!

@Wozamil: At a least your ball did not turn blue. Nothing worse than having blue balls...

I predict the Move will outsell Kinect 2 to 1. Bank on it, Baby!

I'd buy one if I can swing the $30 a month day plan thing. I gotta a lotta bills to play so don't know if I can swing another $360 bucks a year for smartphone service.

Sorry but watching 3D with glasses gives me a splitting headache. I am with Phil. I am waiting for a form of 3D without glasses and one that will not give me a headache.

They oughta fire Spencer but this is the philosophy of Microsoft. Microsoft is always last place in consoles, cellphone, and technology because they keep their heads in the sand. Sony is passing them by with bluray, 3D gaming, and motion controllers.

Oprah has the Midas touch. Kinect is going to sell big.

As an XBL Gold member they should add more unique features for Gold members not found on the console. I hardly ever visit the xbox.com website because there is nothing compelling to motivate me.

@ginazninja: I agree. What is the point of this article considering Microsoft released a statement several months ago that this problem was fixed? All the posters on here act like the problem was "just fixed". Posting this article seems to have done nothing more than rile up the Kinect/Microsoft haters. Well,

@stop2: Microsoft is definitely a company in decline. The stock price for Microsoft is miserable. It has not been considered a performer in years. Microsoft has gotten too big and has not put out a new innovative idea in years. They just always seem to be the last to jump on the band wagon.