
I concur. This so-called massive lead could evaporate at anytime given the wealth of exclusive titles that the PS3 enjoys. The 360 is a piece of shit. I don't know why people buy it. Just stupid, I guess.

Ellison oughta just dump a couple jugs of root kill at the base of the tree and have it over with. Once the trees are dead just pay the owners off.

Hopefully, you will get a new set of threads up in heaven. Otherwise you will be seeing a lot of sausage. For you Sausage lovers...

@...And i'm a Snake.: Just dropped a cool grand on a new Windows 7 PC. Windows 8 already? My PC is quickly on its way to being outdated....

I saw the technique he explained on the Discovery Channel. NASA is using a similar technique to find earth like planets in the cosmos.

He should end up like the main character in "Drag Me To Hell"...

@MacAttack: I agree. No one likes to shave with a blade. If I used an electric shaver, I would have to shave three times a day.

Don't knock the freakin' Sansa. The Sansa plays mp3's and is Windows Media Player compatible. You can import all your playlists from Windows Media Player.

Christmas lights are cheap. It is better to just throw them out when a light burns out. By the time the bulbs start to burn out, the wiring in string goes bad anyway. Just my two cents.

Now who doesn't like a Target gift card??

I like the splat sound just before the video cuts off. That must have been freaking painful...

Coming soon to Ben's Bargains...

And I thought Microsoft knew how to waste money when it promoted Kinect. Didn't this movie only make $54 million its opening weekend??

"Good fences make good neighbors "and so do good firewalls...

Grab two beers and jump, I say...

Too bad they didn't make a Kinect version of Deadly Discs of Tron...

@gurfinki: I concur. She should have just let him go without messing him. He could have really f-ed her up instead of just givin' her a luv tap.

This is freaking stupid example of hands free technology. How much more of this foolishness are we going to have to endure??

Their Tiger Woods video was classic!

This video is FAKE. Everyone knows that Kinect cannot detect any finger movements. Microsoft even said so themselves.