
Geez, it you have to insert that video from the Judge Dredd movie?? If I were Judge Dredd, I would sentence to DEATH!

Good timing. I am reading "The Road To Dune" right now and I have a sandworm rising in my pants.

This is Microsoft ripping off Apple's iPhone. Microsoft should try to do something original for a change...

@Jimmy_Jazz: No way, dude. Killzone is better than Halo.

Personally speaking, I like Killzone a lot better than Halo.

Still a game on rails. Bah!

You need to tear that Vulcan down an replace the main spring with something stronger.

@homerberkowitz: Wait until someone gets hurt or killed then the authorities will say "Opps!". By then it will be too late.

That is a whole lotta warping...

...because who don't love the R4??

How many of the 109 DS games are shovelware??

Thumbs up! Power to the users!

Ha, ha! You didn't use the "politically correct" word HISPANICS.

@PeteyCoco: I am sure that Microsoft was blindsided by today's announcement by Apple. Microsoft is probably regretting the XBL price increase.

@nerve11: It doesn't matter. Apple's iPhone user base is many times larger than Microsoft's XBL user base.

@DARTH_TIGRIS: When you consider the number of iPhone users, it make the XBL user base look puny. Apple is going to eclipse Nintendo, Sony, and most of all Microsoft in a couple year. Their iPhone casual user base is HUGE!

@cool8man: It doesn't matter if it not original. Apple will claim it as their own and the people will believe them like they always do. When the WinMo7 phone comes out, Microsoft will be accused of copying Apple just you wait and see. If you tell a lie long enough, it becomes the truth.

Microsoft is probably running scared right now considering the Apple service will be all free. No $60 a year fee.

Where are the grenades??