
Self winding watches have done this for years. Nothing new here.

@Entaum: Microsoft spent $1.15 billion dollars to repair all defective XBoxes and extended warranties to 3 years. They dealt with the problem.

Microsoft had proved that it can rebound from a bad situation with making good on their defective Xbox 360. It cost Microsoft $1.15 billion dollars in repairs to do it. Now it is Apple's turn to step up and make good with their loyal consumers. I think Apple will come though and make the fixes.

Microsoft has internal problems just as bad. Look at what happened with the Kin. It is funny how things like company politics can throw all logic out the window.

To paraphrase the great David Letterman.

Considering that I have to pay $10 bucks a month for it, I am less thrilled. I would rather put the money towards a movie channel and just continue to watch Hulu for free on my PC.

All this Apple bashing is making me sick. Can't we just move on to another subject here? Haven't we just beaten this non-issue into the ground? Enough already...

This is nothing new. Microsoft's Zune Pass already gives you unlimited streaming music and 10 free music downloads every month for $14.99 a month. This also works on your computer, Zune and iPhone too. I love mine!

I think the free game is Totem Ball II.

Doesn't Microsoft have something like this too? Their XNA programming language for designing games is suppose to be XBox 360 and Windows 7 phone compatible.

Awesome but where is the phone?? As a Sprint customer I am just waiting to buy one so I can dump my old Ipaq PDA.

Why does it look like a hydrogen bomb with wings?? I find its design kind of disbursing.

Microsoft overall has the worst marketing plans. Their ads for all their products are just terrible and often make little sense. Just like the "Jump In" ads they ran for the Xbox.

I have been a fan of Miyazaki for years and I can see his point. Everyone seems to be walking around in little dream world of their own content and collected. The art of conversation is dead in his eyes. He is right. Governments and corporations like the population this way so no one notices what they are doing

I have been a fan of Miyazaki for years and I can see his point. Everyone seems to be walking around in little dream world of their own content and collected. The art of conversation is dead in his eyes. He is right. Governments and corporations like the population this way so no one notices what they are doing

I wish people would stop bashing Apple. There are too many haters out there with their own agendas and they are just jealous over Apple's success.

I wonder if Greg Kihn of the Greg Khin Band owned a Kin? Maybe his next of kin would know...

@dsv: Thanks for the voice of reason.

This is the only reason for me to buy a PS3.

I feel for you. Six months after I got my HD TV, my toddler smacked it hard and cracked the screen. There went $1,500 bucks. I think, I cried.