
@Killer Toilet: Remember in the Xbox1 when you had to load that arcade disc every time to access the arcade? Things have come a long way.

@DreadNemesis: I can't argue there. I don't play music games so I hate wading though that stuff every week.

@archronos: I concur. I just bought "Chime" from the arcade for $5 bucks. Good deal.

I admit it. I bought clothes for my avatar. I know it is a waste of money. I only did it once. Although, I am considering buying a avatar pet. They have a cool one eyed cyclopes. Since I have become a father of two little toddlers, I have changed from a hardcore gamer to a casual gamer. I no longer have time for

This looks a lot more promising that Microsoft's Kinect controller. What you can do with Kinect is pretty limited because you need some kind of a physical controller for fine accuracy. This is gonna be big this Christmas. I predict the Kinect will be another big Microsoft failure.

Does anyone other than me remember back when Anime Expo was held in San Jose? Or goes anyone else remember watching third or fourth generation video tape copies of unsubtitled anime? I wonder if they still have the annual Sub vs. Dubb panel discussion at the Expo too. Ya, kids these days do not know how good they have

Isn't there problems with HP desktops as well? For us uneducated types, are there any companies that build a decent desktop PC? I don't want to build one myself.

I wonder in they preordered a Kinect controller? Hand held controllers are so old technology.

I think they screwed up when they made this pie chart. The X-Box portion is way too big. I think they have it confused with the PS2 sales. Please correct this!

Hopefully, it will not have the lousy ending like the TV adaptation. That big spider was terrible. It wasn't anything like what was in the book.

Since I have to toddler age children, I have about four years of backlog. I have gone from hardcore gaming to casual gaming. How sad...

Now I just need a walker with tennis balls on it and I can wear them to the early bird buffet at Denny's.

Microsoft has just solved one of the major problems plaguing mankind. Now I can sleep at night!

@ericesque: I agree. The price point on the data plan was the killer.

@who_the: I agree. The Kin interface and Kin Loop were pretty cool ideas. Too bad the execution failed it.

Hopefully, it doesn't get too hot there in the summer otherwise it was a bad ideas. I hope the bathrooms are not made of glass too.

I am planning on buying it. I just haven't preordered it yet.

All the Indie games on XBL are pretty crappy. I would not drop a buck on this game. Do you feel me, bro?

It beats Xbox Live. At least you get some free game with Playstation Plus don't forget that. A XBL subscription doesn't give you anything that should not already be free like online gaming. So shut your yaps already.

Ha, ha, ha!