Punxsutawney Dr. Phil

Coolio, I'll make sure to seek it out. Thanks!

Oooh, they all sound even better than I imagined! Thanks for the expert recommendations, amigo!

I know! I feel like I'm on my way to learn the secrets of the universe from some kind of cosmic being of cinema, which actually seems to be pretty accurate. http://media.tumblr.com/tum…

Absolutely, the man has already skyrocketed into my favorites as well! I'll hopefully feel less underprivileged in the wonderful world on cinema after enjoying the rest of his work!

Yep, I just could not keep my vision away from it at any time. It was my first Scorsese film, believe it or not, and I am SO EXCITED to watch his other stuff soon. I literally can't think of any part where I was anything less than completely transfixed by just how, well, perfect it was!

Having seen Goodfellas for the first time last night, I am both furious at myself for waiting so long to see it and amazed at how much it managed to surpass my already huge expectations. Just…wow.

Sorry for the late response!


Keanu Reeves/Walton Goggins.

I'm kinda shocked nobody mentioned David Bowie yet.

Nathan Fielder!

I'm gonna have to go with Ethan, because that guy can successfully make my soul shudder with just a blank facial expression.

"The Other 48 Days" is such a fantastic episode. It somehow managed to make the front section's life on the island seem a LOT better by comparison, which is a pretty difficult feat to accomplish as expertly as the episode did.

Having discovered Letterboxd about a month ago because of you guys, I am completely addicted. Thank you.

Awesome, will do. Thanks for the extremely helpful cinematic insight (per usual)!

Yes, actually! I've heard of how good the rest of his films are, but have never gotten around to seeing them.

Absolutely! I only just realized that he did Gravity as well. I've definitely gotta catch more of Lubezki's work, since the man is clearly incredible at what he does!

I was so thankful for owning an HD television during that sequence. The cinematography for the entire film is some of the most mouth-watering I've ever seen!

So I just saw The Tree of Life for the first time.
That might have been otherworldly. Was that a movie, or an experience, or something else? I just…I need to think. My mind is swirling. Whatever that was, it was something special.

Woohoo, welcome back, Judge! I'll take Jeremy, Keith, Dale, and Val (assuming that's not already taken, of course).