Punxsutawney Dr. Phil

Agent Ginger Balls, reporting for duty!

I cannot even listen to one syllable of that damn "I Will Wait For You" song without getting emotional.

I'm in the middle of Season 2 right now, and I'm so bummed. This show is seriously amazing, ugh.


I could not have thought up a finale, whether for the season or the series, more perfect than this. I laughed, I cried, and I thanked the universe for this brilliant, wonderful, meta, hilarious, important little show. Community, through every up and down, has always been, and will always be, the show that made me

Brad Pitt's a solid choice, considering how freaking hysterical he was in Burn After Reading.
"You think that's a Schwinn!"

Mikhail repeatedly "dying" basically whenever he showed up (it only happened 3 times, but each was very memorable) is still one of my favorite reoccurrences on the show. I like to imagine him as a younger, much creepier, infinitely more antagonistic Hans Moleman with a Russian accent.

"By the way, you're 1% Neandrethal."

"I often think about that night. Such a small event, but ultimately the moment that would lead me to becoming Oyabun. Highest leader of the Yakuza."

This season is gonna be so awesome. I seriously could not be happier.
"Shut up, Leonard! I once mistook six people for you at a pharmacy!"

And with that, my anticipation further rises beyond infinity.

Farewell, Parks and Rec, you beautiful tropical fish. I love you and I like you.

"I don't know what the problem is, Sergeant! Just drain the ocean!"
(violently slams down phone)

That stare was just the perfect amount of uncomfortable.

"Shia Labeouf is one hell of a jewelry designer, by the way. The man's really found his calling."

Bill Murray as the mayor of Pawnee makes a ridiculously perfect amount of sense. Instant A+ for both already magnificent episodes.

I would so watch Better Call Swanson.

I especially liked Saul's confusion as to why Tuco was suddenly moving on to the topic of their arms.

That entire negotiation scene with the two boneheads squirming away in the background somehow managed to be equally entertaining and terrifying to an absurd degree. I really love getting to see Saul's negotiation skills come to light.

Agent Bonehead Churrosnap!