Punxsutawney Dr. Phil

Welcome to the comments! My very first comments on the site were on Survivor reviews here as well! It's super fun to get acquainted with other commenters and stuff.


Good to know. I'll keep that one near the top for now!

I've only managed to see the first half, but I really liked what I saw. I'm eager to finish it! All I really need in an Anchorman sequel is a ton of Brick and lots of delightfully surreal humor, and I'm set!

Totally! I've only seen two of Fincher's films, but I really want to view his other cinematic work at some point. Based on a lot of things I've seen and heard about them, they seem great!

I saw it once, and thought it was absolutely brilliant. It's been a long while since then, though, so I'm super excited to rewatch it!

Woohoo, my orders on Amazon arrived! Community Season 5, Anchorman 2, Twin Peaks Season 1, and The Social Network! It appears I've got quite the weekend ahead of me.

Yeah, while I didn't fully understand some of the references made, I could tell just how much fun everyone was having during it, which helped a lot. I also wasn't familiar with any of the characters Mr. Daly was voicing, but I found it absolutely hilarious just how far he was willing to go with every challenge to do

Ooh, those sound like must-see stuff! Thanks again!

Coolio. Thanks for the recommendations!

Why was I not previously aware that Paul F. Tompkins was in There Will Be Blood?! Granted, it was for about one second, and kinda in the background, but it's really cool nonetheless.

Why have I never seen this before?! And thanks!

I'm now picturing Voldemort strumming guitar and crooning, "Drinking…unicorn blood!…"

Thanks so much! You guys are awesome.
[̲̅$̲̅(̲̅ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°̲̅)̲̅$̲̅]

Crap, I really messed up with this in terms of deadline. Woke up late, immediately had practice yet again, then Disqus decided to be awful to me for the rest of the day. Terribly sorry once again about the inconvenience. I hope this turned out to be pretty good.

Thanks so much for the understanding! Hopefully, I'll be able to crank out something better than merely okay.

Hi, I'm really, really, really sorry about my inexcusable lateness, but my pro review of "Advanced Documentary Filmmaking" will most likely be posted either later tonight or some point tomorrow morning. It was actually my first day of high school today (I wish to remain on each of your respective lawns, please),

I'm with you on that. I thought he was pretty darn great in it! Plus, anyone on AD gets a life pass from me.

I saw Scott Pilgrim for the first time last night, and I ABSOLUTELY AM IN LOVE WITH THIS MOVIE HOLY CRAP

"We're gonna have to take the boy."
I'm getting so many chills just typing it out.