Punxsutawney Dr. Phil

I'm amazed at how consistently brilliant this season was. Can't wait for Season 3!

The hot pocket monologue alone was comedic perfection.

I really need Comedy Central to start selling those bobbleheads immediately.

Also, I lost it when Nathan started smelling the elderly man's fingers while still carrying the huge lantern.

(Simon attempts to do an Elvis twirl)
"That was great!"

"When you eat your sweets,
Make sure you try
To limit your servings

Do people here like Chronicle? I saw it for the first time tonight, and thought it was pretty awesome.

Unfortunately, I think I might have already broken that record last night!

I just saw Yellow Submarine for the first time! It's as bizarre as it is delightful, and the "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds" sequence might be one of the most visually astonishing things I've ever seen put on film. Plus, the music is obviously fantastic.


…Fair enough.

Nathan's "average joe" accent was a sight to behold.
"Ya, I can fix up the cah."

Aaaaand bookmarked. I'm saving that for future reference. Thanks, man!

We should all celebrate his life somehow, whether watching his work, or spreading awareness, or even just thinking of him and the footprint he's lain on how a lot of our senses of humor came to be. Never again will there be a comedian, or person in general, like him, or one that is able to fill people with so much joy

"I will see you theah, and by will, I mean won't! Bahahaha! (exits, comes back) Cause you're not invited. I, er, wasn't shoah if I was clear earlier. So, uh, you're not…invited, that is… (exits, comes back) TO MY PAHTY! (exits, comes back) Forgot to wash my haaands!"

I loved Nathan asking the guy if he had a weapon to help him open the box with.
"A knife, or a gun…?"

The tidal wave of self-contemplation that washed over the programmer's face immediately after realizing his keyword mistake was perfect.

This looks genuinely fantastic. Woohoo for more Nolan!

Whoops, forgot to answer back. Mea culpa!