
That's right. I'm a Chiefs fan so I'm thoroughly sensitive to how you can't export the "Patriot Way" (recall we had a miscarriage with GM Scott Pioli who kept extolling the virtues of the Patriot Way without ever really, you know, embedding it in KC).

All valid points. Basically, the only fact we can safely arrive at is that qualitatively measuring draft punditry is a completely frivolous exercise in pseudo-intellectual masturbation. It's much more voodoo than science. There are just way too many factors in pro football that dictate a player's future success or

You took the question right out of my fingers. We need a retroactive analysis of where a pundit rates a guy high, guy gets drafted low, and then performs well beyond his draft pedigree over a three-year period into his career.

What is it about angry white people and ALL CAPS?

So what happened to the guy? I'm thinking it could be anything in the spectrum between comically singed eyebrows to dead crispy fucker.

His defense doesn't have a leg to stand on.

"The last thing I remember is - holding an electrical cable." Sounds about right.

Photoshop contest, guys!

Why is Vick signing right-handed and wearing a watch on his left wrist? Hmm? He's left handed. I smell some Illuminati shit going on here.

This season is an absolute mess. A disaster. And as a huge fan of show it's hard to admit. I keep waiting for it to find its way, but it's not happening. The only real symbolism this season has to offer is that the writers are as lost as their meandering characters.

So let's see, he only shoots people who are unarmed. He beats up guys in shackles. I'd love to see him take care of a whiny toddler with Down's Syndrome.

Saw 12 Years a Slave. Then I went right back to measuring a bunch of half-naked large black men.

What was that you were saying about hubris, Tim "the Greggg Easterbrook of Deadspin" Marchmen?

A far more compelling phenomenon is how sociopaths can be surprisingly charismatic people. Perhaps this has something to do with the fact that the sociopaths' lack of empathy or true concern for others is what produces an inherent desire to please these people—to break through their unspoken rejection of us. I think

Like her finacee, she's good for a few yards after initial contact.

Drew - I think you overlooked something here - which is I'm not sure I agree great self-confidence plays the biggest role in the bullying ways of Incognito and his ilk. I think Incognito suffers from some pretty crippling insecurities himself. No?

Pizza Hut!-Hut!-Hut!

At the :12 mark a dude in crutches raises them in victory and runs across the court.