
Always appreciate a good ninja

His reaction is the best part. You can’t get a visceral reaction like that from a movie!

‘We did it’ Yes bot, you did.

I thought this type of stuff ended when Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was voted out with “ moderate/reformist” Hassan Rouhani voted in.

If Keith Olbermann had gotten “shriveled-dick daughter fucker” into the Washington Post...

I mean those burns were pretty wet.

Held the pizza sideways. Pizza’s ruined.

Ha. F-35 Noise. That’s cute.

I think Michael Keaton is by far the best actor to have played Bruce Wayne to date, and his casting was a brilliant move. For everyone that said “how can Michael Keaton be Batman? I don’t see it,” I said, “that’s exactly why he’s perfect!!!”

Not sure, but it does carry a lot of internal fuel

The 35 has been performing it’s flight test since the 2012 re-baseline on schedule for the most part. Software on this scale is unprecedented as is devolpingskill three planes at once. The gun is not operative not because there is any problem just that the services decided to prioritize other capabilities.

Michael Keaton and Tim Burton presented a wonderful vision of Bruce Wayne who was slightly messed up, but in a sympathetic endearing way, not in a monstrous way.

Come now, Darth Maul wasn’t the only good thing. I would respectfully add, the film score, “Duel of the Fates” in particular, the excellent ship and alien designs, the Naboo N-1 Starfighter being my particular favorite, and the pod race which I know a lot of people thought was stupid but if nothing else I thought it

You’ll want to make sure you don't live anywhere in the northeast, or Florida, or Oklahoma either then.

Probably true. North Korea’s defenses are a house of cards again propped up by China. In this case, the Chinese would probably step back and let the Pacific Rim allies (ROK, Japan, USA) do what they will. But nukes probably would not be used because they would not be needed. The objective is to get rid of the regime,

“Ya, I was thinking a little more F-22 strategic fighter grey. This swatch is a bit too F-16 ”.

You had me at brrrrrrt brrrrrrt ♥

I hated the juke at first when we only got to see it in pictures. But I fell in love with the look the first time I saw one in person. The only reason I didn’t buy one is cause you can’t have one with a manual and awd.

Oh no, oh no, oh no.. Oh... no....