
series champion Stoffel Vandoorne ended the season with 341.5 total points over runner-up Alexander Rossi’s 181.5.

That would be fantastic. As it is Mecachrome does the building for Renault now, so Red Bull could go strait to the Mecachrome and design up an engine that will work for them. Thus Mecachrome can prove how good they are and maybe win entry into F1 as an engine supplier.

I got this opening day in the US, it was my all time favorite console. I played the hell out of the one I had, and at one time owned 70% of the game library for it. Power Stone, Marvel vs Capcom 2, Skies of Arcadia, Space Channel 5, and House of the Dead ate up a lot of my time as a kid. Also the memory card mini

Every morse guy I meet was a little off, I can see how that happened. As for that schedule, terrible. Although I did a 12 on 12 off daily schedule, always ran the night watch. Drills were run either right before I went to sleep or right after I woke up mostly. Took a lot of trail and error to figure out the sleep

Holy shit I have been reading Kotaku for 8 years....still no Half Life 3

Do not do it this close to your house, my god if the oil erupted that wall is catching fire. At least 10 feet people.

I was always out to sea on Thanksgiving when I was stationed on the USS Cushing. Never failed, we had to be out for late November. One year after being out for Thanksgiving, there was talk of us getting extended into our Holiday Shutdown time. This is a period were we only work once every 3 or 4 days. It is a needed

Putting the Active Tourer as your standard for FWD and you will be disappointed for sure. Drive a BMW 2 AT vs the MINI JCW and tell me how much better one is. Also it sounds like you are just to myopic to understand that this is a good thing for BMW. Ask the motor sports champions that beat out RWD vehicles in their

Yes the FWD/AWD 1 series will sell well, same with the next 2 series. The current 2 series has a good enthusiast following but there are a lot of people that own and drive them that are not. And this will move those 2 series owners into the 4 series were BMW can make a little more money. Not even close to many of them

And you can’t make a FWD/AWD platform sporty? Does sport only mean RWD? Because there are a lot of cars that would beg to differ, including Mini (pro tip, they are a BMW brand). There are a ton of race winning, championship FWD/AWD cars out there, they are “sporty” cars and have that perception and value. Would you

And that can be had in a FWD and AWD chassis, it is short sighted to think that because it is FWD then it is a no better than a Chevy Cruze. Look at the Mini, it is a great handling car, small FWD platforms do very well in racing as well. BMW has been applying their performance knowledge to Mini for more than 15 years

This is a terrible argument. As long as BMW builds cars that appeal to the “core” brand buyer they don’t run that risk. A very small minority of people think in the narrow minded fanboy sense you are talking about. Look at Mitsubishi, it has moved away from the Lancer line and has seen some great sales success. No

Seriously, it is a smart move by BMW. Buyers in this segment don’t understand the difference and BMW can capitalize on lower their costs and packaging a car that will attract more buyers. Good. The more people buy the 1 and 2 series FWD the more crazy ass sports cars we will see. Maybe the Z4 replacement will be

I wont vote, because just about anything with fragrance will make me horribly break out. I use unscented Ban, it is the best. I get strange looks when I buy 4 at a time, but fuck man I sweat for a living. Sometimes I just need a mid day reapply.

I wont vote, because just about anything with fragrance will make me horribly break out. I use unscented Ban, it is

Greatest Of All Time. It is what they call Wayne Gretzky and Ricky Carmichael.

Lost so many great hours to this game. I should find it and play it again...

Sounds like a Fox Racing party, and I was attending those just 2 years ago. Man I sort of miss that, crazy fun, awkward Mondays.

I had a boss that would make off color comments all the time, use genitalia jokes, and otherwise be a dudebro. Our group was 12 males so he generally got away with it. After a lunch that I can only describe as a keg away from a frat gathering, I warned my boss that he should back off before the behavior was poorly

Yes it is, left a big bond firm earlier this year and the dudes on the trade floor are all creepy. All the assistance are female and they push a “dress” code on them. Its sick. The hand full of female traders are all given gross macho nicknames like “Ball Buster” and “D Killer”. I almost never dealt with them, worked