I want to watch the whole exchange happen.
I want to watch the whole exchange happen.
Some will, some wont, look at fast food. Some brands are 99% franchised and love that model. Others are owned solely by the corporate entity and think that is the best way to keep customer satisfaction up. It is up to the brands to determine that. I think some will have their own stores and not mind dealing with…
And I find that interesting, because if you ask anyone from L.A., they'll tell you, bar none, that their drivers are the worst. Then they'll dazzle you with horror stories about the crazy things people do when faced with range anxiety.
I would replace the gauges with a digital dash in a custom carbon fiber dash anyways. Then I would start a business that delivers racing parts in SoCal to shops and houses on demand. It will make millions I tell you.
It would be awesome if Manor F1 gets Force India's prize money next year because FI folds.
epilogue: I am now married to the girl with the key.
A good amount actually, also there are a lot of US companies and equipment manufacturers making bank off the Iraqi oil industry.
Iraq had old and mostly diluted chemical agents, there were a few events were chemical shells were used as IEDs and US soldiers were hurt. Way more were exposed in the process of finding and cleaning up old chemical weapon sites, many times it was done hastily and lacking some of the proper equipment. I was deployed…
Oh Kat we all know the answer strait from David Kay himself.
Have a good listen from the guy that was actually looking for WMD's in Iraq.
A shooting brake diesel in brown would have made Jalopnik explode.
Says right in the article its Canadian National Freight, so Craptonne.
Charles will never be King because people love his children way more than him and his mom is damn near immortal. I have a feeling he will tire and just abdicate in favor of having his eldest take the crown.
Make it a Scion and I will take one.
Doesn't that look fun?