
A friend of mine still has his Ion Redline.  It sits for weeks on end before he is able to fire it up for a drive, but its now so rare his wife is letting him hold on to it.  He has 5 kids now with a 6th on the way and his wife is being totally cool about the car.

I love that car so much, it was an awesome midsize.  I would have one now except all the close dealers to me closed and my SX4 burnt the ground so my wife said no more Suzuki's.  Also that name did not do it a lot of justice.

I drove a 2001 Viper ONCE!  I got about 2 blocks and went sideways 3 times.  Luckily it was an open road with wide shoulders, the owner chose it that way on purpose.  I was a fairly new driver, the Viper owner knew that, and I was reluctant at first to drive the Viper.  My confidence was good at first but I only had

I was going to post the same thing then I read the other comments and saw you beat me to it.  Glad to know there are others out there with the same feeling as me.

I can actually respect your answer a lot, I think it should be #1.  I had a really good road I would take in San Diego County, then I talked about it on a forum and now all sorts of idiots are on my once empty road.

They sourced the tail lights from a Honda Civic Coupe.  They are DOT approved and easy to fit in the back, there are Nissan and Toyota parts in the car as well.

You must be the Asshole Jalopnik is talking about. I have a bad hip, working a clutch for more than a 5-10 minute stretch equates to enormous pain. I would row my own if I physically could. That's why I have a dual clutch, I can still work the gears with out the need for a clutch.

Honda Civic will take the top spot, next will be the Camry. I only know because I am car shopping for a good 2007 right now.

This movie was super funny when I was really drunk, then I watched it sober...it was a bad idea.

Jet Li has to still hate himself for that role.

Yes it is, the train is for travel not conversation. Also it is expected that you give up your seat for the elderly, injured and pregnant. I learned all the rules early and never broke them, I was treated well by all the Japanese people I meet and worked with while there and I feel acculturation was key to that. I

Absolutely, I lived in Japan for 3 years. From my house it was a 5 minute walk to the train station, a 12 minute rail ride, and then a 9 minute walk to work. As long as my room mates were ready in time we would all roll out at the exact same time every day and get to work on a very regulated schedule. Only twice

There are MR owners who will trade you once you get a GSR.

I only have the AMG until my arthroscopic, I really wish people would quit hassling me about driving and automatic. I swear then its all M5 3 pedal, swear.

Honestly my worst fear is losing a loved one in an accident that is my fault. The guilt would destroy me and there is no forgiveness with my family. As it is I have a damaged hip that keeps me from driving a manual so I am not too worried about that, I have lost cars to fires, been in accidents, but I have never

There has to be a good story to this.

God forbid you get stuck with a Forte.

Moral of the story...if you don't want your Karma or Ferrari to burst into flames then have Justin Bieber ride with you.

I chose Alfa even before I finished reading the headline. I think I am going to go buy a Dart today just so I can be that much closer to owning a real Alfa Romeo.

Fan much? So there are serious comments on the internet, and then there is sarcasm. Before you start that post next time follow these steps.