
Temple of Doom rides a fine line between being astonishingly dreadful and the greatest movie I've ever seen. It's just trash. Super racist trash. It's awesome.

Gene Simmons is just an awful human being.

Butthole Surfers wrote my second favorite rhyming couplet, which is "Julio Iglesias / Jacked off in outer-spacias."

Pretty much every song on that album consists of mad shit talk about working retail and it's great.

I fully support Deadpool 2 doubling down on the Femdom fetishism.

I work in dry cleaning, can I listen to The Podcast For Laundry?

They actually changed their name up at every show. Band names included Fred Astaire's Asshole, The Right To Eat Fred Astaire's Asshole and The Inalienable Right To Eat Fred Astaire's Asshole.

I'd probably go with "Cherub."

I find that there's a decent chunk on Electriclarryland that's worth listening to and I certainly don't hold a grudge with the band for selling out as shamelessly as they did - I think they earned the payday. I cannot listen to Pepper, it makes me want to die.

Bands I've seen over the last year that have used Butthole Surfers in their pre-show mix:

Still better than King for a Day.

The Veruca Salt one was pretty okay.

I always felt like Locust Abortion Technician came off as a B-Side collection. Hairway to Steven is a pretty great starter album, it's a little less harsh and evil than earlier material (though the opener Jimi is deep-end level ugly).

1: Butthole Surfers were one of the greatest, most underrated psychedelic bands of all time. Fucking fight me if you think otherwise.

Won tickets from the AV Club to see MST3K live and it was super dope.
Rest of the weekend was spent finishing up season 4 of Game of Thrones and getting to the halfway point in season 5.

One of my favorite Roger Ebert moments (outside of everything about Beyond the Valley of the Dolls) is he loved May so much that during his review on TV, he pointed at the camera and demanded everyone go see it.

Excision is a gem that I've forced on many a friend. The comparison to McKee's May is super apt.

Take a step back, take a deep breath and really ponder the genuine possibility that maybe America isn't worth saving.

Given that Tim Curry’s performance as Pennywise was clearly the best part of the 1990 TV mini-series version of Stephen King’s It

Now that the Resident Evil series is over, I didn't know where I would go for my particular fetish of movies where women beat the shit out of everyone and everything ever.