
Andy Daly freestyling an Irish limerick about Obamacare.

Coke Zero did not taste like regular Coca Cola and I'll fight anyone who suggests otherwise.

Bring back Coca-Cola BlāK!

Candie and the other two showgirls feel like what would happen if you took characters in a Nicolas WInding Refn movie and put them into real life situations and explores just how goddamn maddening that would actually be.

I just hope the fanbase doesn't figure out the entire fucking story arc three episodes deep.

The funniest thing about this is he'll just continue living his life without self-awareness for his own actions or repercussions for the things he's done.

Wowwwwwwww this looks dreadful.

Looks like it'll still be a little adult and a little subversive for 12-year-olds, but they revived this specifically for nostalgia-crazed assholes in their late 20s/early 30s.

A hole in my heart was made when they stopped releasing Saw films every October, but there's nothing inaccurate in the AV Club's holier-than-thou write up.

Oh Jesus, we're totally about to hit that 20-year nostalgia cycle that'll provide a billion unwarranted misty-eyed Freak on a Leash retrospectives, aren't we?

Hottest take: Christopher Nolan has no discernible visual style outside of a blue filter.

I went to the Taco Bell Cantina in Las Vegas awhile back (unironically, mind you) and it was legit the loudest building in Las Vegas and you literally had to scream your order at the cashier who was only about a foot and a half away from your face.

It's really bizarre how forgotten Camberwell Now is considering how well-regarded This Heat is. I'd absolutely call the entire Ghost Trade album the best thing Hayward's ever done.

…did we have a good run?

I was standing around waiting for a puppet and William Tyler did not deliver. 0/10.

They have their own Furry subcategory called Babyfur.

I'll be over here with the mushrooms and nitrous fursuit-free, thanks.

How can anyone ever get excited for a Tim Burton movie in the year of our lord, 2017?

Candie for Twin Peaks VIP 2017. I couldn't tell if she was mentally not all there or just an incredibly spiteful asshole.

My favorite kazoo solos are "The Ghost Trade" by the criminally underrated Camberwell Now (post-This Heat project) and "The Shoe Salesman" by The Residents and Renaldo and the Loaf.