
If you’re not aping the cover of The Residents’ Tunes of Two Cities in this thumbnail, I’d be surprised.

1979 is so catchy because it’s actually a rewritten version/cover of an unreleased song by The Frogs called “Pleasure.” A fact I will point out any time someone brings up 1979 by Smashing Punpkins. 

Y’all are fixating on high output (five albums in 15 months from Oh Sees! Four in five years from Ariana Grande! Eight hours from Auchere!) yet you haven’t spit out a single word about Rob Crow’s album a month deal as Joyful Noise’s artist in residence and that is weak as hell, yo. 

Hell, I flew out from Portland Oregon JUST for This Heat (Kaitlyn Aurelia Smith was a nice bonus, though!), there wasn’t any way i was gonna miss watching Charles Hayward do a drum thing. I didn’t even bother going Friday or Sunday, I spent the rest of my time eating dogs and writing “eat LSD and worship Satan”on every

The fans who attended This is Not This Heat in order to secure a spot for Kelela knew how to fucking party. I front rowed both and both were awesome

Well, when you hit the reply button in Chrome, it just hangs there forever. Thanks, AV Club.


Hahaha, I'm curious: Why Speed? It doesn't seem like a movie one would associate with tripping.

On behalf of all Asian Americans, whom I will speak for just this once: Daaaaaaaaang. I'd high five you if I could.

This guy knows.

I tend to restrict those activities to Fridays so I can hole up in my bedroom and cry it out for two days, then I'm fresh as a daisy for work on Monday. Worth it.

The whole "not being in control of yourself" thing is more or less bullshit. Just being comfortable in your surroundings will suffice.

Throw a whipit on top of the two for maximum out-of-body experiences.

Not as cool as the Bernie Sanders acid I picked up at a Ween show a month ago.

(Trixie falls off stage)

Honestly Disqus is so goddamn fucked up I have to sign in every time I want to post anything and the side-bar always crashes 100% of the time. I don't mind a switch-up.

I was shopping at a local Uwajimaya and walked past a plain white door with the word "Supplies" on it.

Honestly, I'm going to miss checking in with Steve Bannon's face every once in awhile to see how much the position has completely obliterated him on a physical level.

Goddamn, the world is so fucking weird right now. Like, I would be in legitimate, hysterical awe of everything if I wasn't constantly throwing up.

Looks like they still totally do.