
It's the cliche of being demure/obedient/quiet/harmless that simultaneously allows the fetishism of Asian women and the disregard of Asian men.

But they do let you filter out by race and it turns out the user base is hella racist.

I tried to warn you with my sandwich board and bell, but you wouldn't listen.

Two things I feel proud of for thinking they were bullshit since day one: Weezer and M. Night Shyamalan.

I'd upvote it if AV Club, like, actually came up with it and shit.

Criticism? The word you're looking for here is "shade," my man.

Truly you were 55378008.

Everyone's all "Why is there a comments section on PornHub" and I'm all "It's the most relaxed, laid-back comment section on the internet."

And a solid 10 minutes is setup and the worst.

I hope they got rid of Screwdriver but kept the Jewish Screwdriver cover band, Jewdriver.

Why couldn't it have been an iBrain short film instead?

One of my favorite bits on a Wikipedia page comes from the entry for License to Drive, under the header Sequel and trilogy:

Honestly though, I'm always happy when Richard Masur shows up in a movie.

These days the phrase "shot on 35mm" gets me rock hard, tbh.

I've always described my favorite color as "Purple. You Know. Like Prince purple." I'm glad I can continue saying the exact same thing but now as objective fact.

Eh, that's what your parents thought about your generation and it wasn't even your responsibility to fix their generation's mistakes, especially since they were still kicking around complaining instead of doing it themselves.

Da Motherfucking Share Zone, yo.

Every single generation says that about the generation that proceeds it. Seriously, please make the cultural cycle stop.

It's all just rebellion against the ways of the previous generation, Gen-X having such a Bill Hicksian hard-on for truth-telling and the more personal story-driven Alt scene, which was rebelling against the previous generation's brick wall background Touring Comedian scene, which I assume hated vaudeville, it goes on

Because it would be simultaneously the best and dumbest fucking thing in the world.