
Kind of? Kids are dumb and have no taste. And Hasbro knew that. Thus Transformers.

I prefer absolute transparency of Michael Bay. Hasbro taking advantage of product placement laws being loosened just to sell more product is infinitely more amoral.

The original Transformers cartoons existed solely to sell toys to children. I prefer the naked sincerity of Bay's trash film series to the insidious capitalist snowjob of the cartoons.

Anyone that holds enough esteem for the original Transformers to be upset with the films deserves to at beaten up.

I still the thing about the Transformers killing Hitler a throwaway line or an actual scene in the movie? This makes all the difference between a theater viewing and a rental.

Oh man, do we have another Chet Haze on our hands? I wasn't aware.

Man, take every Scovel appearance on, say, the first 100 episodes of the Todd Glass Show podcast, frame them and put them in the Comedy Museum, dude's a comedy monster.

There's a level of self-aware irony at play in those films that are intentionally funny. Trying to laugh ironically at something that's already intentionally ironically funny makes no sense, whether attempts at humor were successful or not. Intent is key.

Broad and Husky: okay for hair types, not body types.

This article even states "Good Bad Movies have minimal self-awareness,"and then floods its list with self-aware movies like Deep Blue Sea, Demolition Man, Anaconda, Last Action Hero, etc. They can't even follow their own rules.

Any bad movie list that doesn't include The Apple is worth jack fucking shit, yo.

The rumor I've heard on a few occasions was that the extra money was because Lynch initially wanted to shoot it all on film.

Plays five nights in LA.
Plays ten nights in NY.
Covers for Frank Ocean at Sasquatch, eh, that should be enough for the Pacific Northwest.

But why do the plane windows disappear and reappear in a weird sequence is my question.

On the other hand: nahhhhhhhhhh.

Needs more sick dunks.

Man, War Party is a solid album I have to recommend to people with a "BUT IT'S ACTUALLY GOOD" preface.

This weekend I'm going to a School of Rock show where they play the music of Sleep and High on Fire. A bunch of children playing the dankest Stoner Metal is too ridiculous to pass up.

Time to downplay the Lovecraft influences and talk about the Thomas Ligotti plagiarism? Maybe?

Honestly life as a general concept gets a C- at best, I'm gonna have all the fries I want.