
Nicole, Fran Gillespie and Jon Gabrus are the golden MVPs of Doughboys.

Holy shit, that dude just had a TON of acid.

Stick to avacados.

I saw The Cramps on the last tour they did with Sean Yseult on bass. Lux had stopped dying his hair and it was shockingly grey, he had a full set of gold grills in his mouth and there were absolutely no water bottles to be found on stage, just multiple bottles of red wine scattered across the stage and about a dozen

Where the fuck were these jagoffs when I was sitting around for months on end waiting for the new MST3K to go up?

Nahman. Sextown U.S.A. is clearly the project begging to be made.

I wasn't looking forward to the reboot, but I will miss these in-character write-ups.

People in their 30s complaining about contemporary rap music will never stop being funny because they sound exactly like their parents in the '90s complaining about Dre and Snoop.

I thought Wow was pretty delightfull to be honest.

Beck is playing Project Pabst, not Musicfest NW.

Real talk: those Reese's Big Cups are fuckin' where it's at. Much better ratio of 80% peanut butter to 20% chocolate.

Everything about this is intolerable.

And rap music.

The amount of people talking shit about the Resident Evil movies without having seen the Resident Evil movies rates juuuuuuuuuuust under the cluck-clucking of commenters whenever an article about rap music pops up on the AVC.

Wesker already became president in the 5th movie anyway.

This but unironically.

No thanks, I already know it rules.

Mondo released it about a year ago and the classy special edition sold out immediately because Mondo are fuckers.

I got a pile of Waxwork Records releases and they are fuckin' quality.

Seriously though, that bunny look was the worst makeup ever displayed on this show, goddaaaaaaaaaaaaamn.