Yeah, Oberon’s skull-crushing was the symbolic end of any sort of intelligence for the story of Dorne.
Yeah, Oberon’s skull-crushing was the symbolic end of any sort of intelligence for the story of Dorne.
I’m not positive but I think there were gravy ingredients listed as well.
So what if they’re over 50? You’re saying that no one should care about what happens to older characters so they should just be killed off? I dunno, maybe think a little bit before you post?
He’s starting to look like my father in ways that make me uncomfortable.
He’s starting to look like my father in ways that make me uncomfortable.
Me, too. Redemption is a thing. Hell, if Jaime Lannister can have a redemption arc, so should the Hound.
It was a thing; they just didn’t call it that.
Who did he kill? The butcher’s boy?
Actually, “the bar was busy and loud” is exactly the kind of thing other people need to know. Maybe it’s not fair to ding the actual rating but if I’m not in the mood for busy & loud, I know to go somewhere else. It’s less a criticism of the place than a description of the experience.
You really shouldn’t ever put anything hot in your fridge because it brings down the temperature in the fridge, which is bad for everything else in there.
Now, wait. Just wait a minute. How does an adult manage to have never used an ATM in their lives? Does he cash checks at the bank? Does he never, ever use cash? The mind reels.
Me, too. I resisted for a long time but damn, once I got an e-reader, I never looked back.
I think they usually use marshmallow fondant, which is probably tastier.
I hate hate hate having a two-basin sink and I live for the day when I can justify replacing it.
I would always be spilling things on the back of the couch.
Not yours alone. The extent to which I dislike seeing the Greyjoys - any Greyjoy - on my teevee cannot be overstated.
I know, right? Maybe it’s not the darkest timeline after all.
I just spent 5 minutes experimentally flipping the bird while sitting at my desk. I’m not sure what people would have thought if they’d looked in and seen me.
Leeching can be an effective medical treatment for certain things.
And people will line up around the block to give Apple their money. But not me. It would take a lot to get me to give them a dime for anything at this point.