
The Fiat Barchetta is a beautiful front-wheel drive sports convertible with a timeless design initially sketched all

Very true. This isn't an argument about politics, it's about human rights. 

The thing is, calling for justice for her is not political. Since when has wanting murders to be arrested political? These things are labeled as such by people who don’t care to or want to talk about or face such things. So saying it’s political is a convenient way to avoid it. Racism and police brutality aren’t

At least Mercedes said the right thing:

The land cruiser specialty shop near me has one they drive around from time to time

I knew there was something off with Boulevard’s barrel-aged beers...

Given the payload rating, I’d say the barrels are empty and to be used to hold used oil.

Everyone is over reacting here. Look at it this way - the explorer is rear wheel drive, IRS, the rear track is 66.9 inches. The current mustang is of course rear wheel drive, IRS, and has a rear track of 63-65" depending on model. This is just a packaging exercise to share some engineering costs. Remember that the ST

Speaking of licensed CJ-3Bs, I just discovered this Georgia importer who specializes in the Mitsubishi version and I’m in love.

10/10, would sticker

rich people have less regard to human life, no surprise

Assuming that 100% of the cars should have yielded to the pedestrians, 28% actually having done so is pathetic. No wonder the pedestrian death rate is up dramatically in recent years. (Up 35% from 2008 to 2017). 

If Ford let me buy this, I would gladly trade in my Mk 7 ST yesterday.

Just have a Canadian set up a company and import them there and then hold them for a few years, then boom.  Sell them here for big profit.

At least I now know why the Torch didn’t put up any frontal photos of the car. This is the most boring design of the year. It’s a mix of all the most anonymous + spiritless styling elements of the last twenty years. Good grief.