
Cleaning up at the source of the problem would be much more efficient than scooping it out of the Pacific.

We should really start working on a way of netting it now from the most polluted areas. 2.26 lbs per net pull is not efficient enough to collect it the same way the researchers did.

Photo by McMike

Something with snow tires. I wish I could afford a 2nd set of tires. A Saab 95 V4 is the dream.

A 95 V4 is the snow car I dream about.

Maybe Ford should buy “American Austin Car Company” from AK Steel then they will own Bantam, and can play up the history more.

This is the Mercedes I would buy. I also now have a 2nd favorite hub cap design.

The thinness is very good. It means less weight for his joints and bones to deal with. It just looks odd because what is best for someone so tall is different proportionally for someone of average height.

Thank you. Green is the best. It is better than brown.

I am sure this is strongly inspired by the roof of the Suzuki Cappuccino and I approve.

This would be fun. LOOK AT MY HUMMER SPARK!

This is a good point. Maybe following the door line with the rear fenders and running board would blend the design.

This is the view I was most interested in seeing.

I was wondering what happened to Alex. He used to write articles on his rally races.

You can hydrate Capetown with all that water.

The Cavalier it will run bad as soon as it leaves the factory, but it will run forever.

You have to just stop believing in them and you will no longer be disappointed.

That still sounds better than their current lineup.

I bought GT2 to drive Tuscan Speed 6s and the Speed 12. They ended up being undrivable in game especially the Speed 12, but neither of those cars is the Griffith.