
I think it is great they are still working on a diesel for the U.S. The U.S. has the strictest and most complicated diesel emission standards, so chasing U.S. standards has to be helpful for JMLT and Euro standards.

The only closer finish I’ve seen is when I lost by 0.001 in Gran Turismo 2.

It is a joke. A reference from the movie Zoolander.

This is very much a modern Jeep for the army, or more accurately a modern Kublewagon.

I saw one today. It was a WTF moment. I was surprised someone bought one.

You do have a problem. Your problem is you are keeping yourself from buying one.

The floor seemed to flex a lot when Otto got it. That concerns me that a child’s weight would cause the floor to flex so much.

Making a convertible into a coupe creates a heavy coupe, so if it is going to be heavy you might as well make the extra weight useful.

Neutrl: Millennials are the Recession generation. Millennials like cars. They are more economically shrewd than other generations, similar to the Depression generation. Millennials buy cars when they can afford cars.

It is proportioned like the Mitsubishi Lancer Sportback.

Time to play the lottery.


America will get the EcoSport because it will sell well in the U.S. $$ even though it will likely not be a very good vehicle. I think the Eco stands for economy $ and the sport is golf or fighting for parking spaces at Trader Joe’s.

The new Bronco will most likely be a 5 door not a 3 door, even if the rear passenger doors are rear hinged half doors. It will attract more customers and compete better with both versions of the Wrangler while building only one body style.

They should just directly import it from Thailand since it is an SUV, not a pick-up, and Chevrolet will make plenty of money on it.

That is the best looking Modena I’ve seen.

Definitely and I cannot promise that my solution to make the 2 engines into 1 would be free.

I love the Taunus but I want more power and torque. I think the Ford Around would need to be turbocharged to cope with the large truck. (Large compared to a SAAB 96.) Also the double Harley engine would be air cooled for added ridiculousness.