
You know why 16-year-olds want value? Because if they have any job at all it's a terrible one that doesn't pay well. You know why they don't care about trucks or crossovers or SUVs? Because they have nothing of value they need to transport from place to place. They haven't become afraid of the world yet, so they don't

I think they must be following the Porsche school of design for the R8 redesign.

Ford was. The last news that I heard it was too expensive and they would have to use one laser directed to every cylinder to cut down on costs.

Cars would have to be austenitic stainless for weldablity, but "austenitic steels are vulnerable to stress corrosion cracking."

It is a beautiful jet. Hopefully the engine placement results in less cabin noise than the EJR. In my experience the far rear of the EJR is so noisy it is almost painful.

My wife may of had a stroke. She is only 25! [I'm 26.] While your reply makes me cry looking at the post again it seems like an accurate symptom of what a person with a stroke may write. My wife is getting an MRI today at 2:30... hoping and praying these symptoms are a sudden side effect of some medicine.

My one complaint is that Citroën, like seemingly every car designer in the 1970s, decided to let the guy who designed Hi-Fi sets and clock radios for Sears take over the interior design of all their cars. Where a DS's dash was once this grand, space-age study in interesting materials and mid-century simplicity and

The DS is one of those rare cases where I think the sedan looks better than the wagon. That's not to say I don't love the way a DS Break looks, because I do, but the original teardrop profile of the original DS is just too hard to beat. The Break looks a bit oddly long in profile and just a bit happily awkward, mostly

Ram Pro Master City

I feel dumb for not knowing about this car 'Lancia Thema 8.32.' Lancia is the best. I hope they stay around offering premium hatches with the Ypslion and the Delta. I makes sense since Alfa Romeo is moving out of this market with no MiTo and Giulietta replacements. A Ypslion, Delta, Sigma, and Thema [The Thema can be

Could you find if this Lada had any success?

This makes me even more sad that we do not get awesome French cars here in the U.S.

The truck was launched in the 1980s as a revival of the company's old adventure vehicles, but it was only sold in the American market for a brief few years in the mid-1990s.

We love the Fiat 500 around here, particularly in Abarth form, but Fiat completely missed the mark with the 500L. The especially annoying thing is that they could have simply brought the lovable Panda over.

Toyota crossbred a Camry and a Highlander and somehow made a car more boring than both. I can't hate Toyota for not making a Camry wagon, since you know, they want to sell cars, but damn is this dull. We're willing to strip its citizenship (it's built in Kentucky), denaturalize it, and send it away.

Whoa, that's awesome.

This looks really good. I think a petrol powered version would be a profit monster.

Why do car companies design cars to look like lower level models? Next, Ford redesigns the out dated Taurus to look like a Fiesta.

I love the Esteem only because I used to laugh at them when they were new. (The name Esteem is ridiculous.) I have been wanting to get a manual Esteem Wagon for about 6 months now. I hope this show does not ruin my favorite obscure 90's car.

I would think the Ryanair employees are clearly the Philistines, obviously they are following the phallic cult of Baal with their drawing.