
That is kind of like telling a woman you want to marry her because your ex-girlfriend is a psycho and you need a place to crash. Doesn’t matter if it is true, you don’t say that.

4. Tell them they are stupid, and you want to make America great again.

The Rolling Stones, Sly and the Family Stone...

Well yeah, man. Guns is the 2nd amendment. Right to privacy is the 4th. Guns is like, 2 whole amendments more important, duh.

Monitor everyones phone calls, emails, web searches? Sure why not.

Gotcha, so no one gets any rights as long as a bad person exists.

Since when is it a municipal police department’s job to hunt for terrorists?

Son, we live in a world that has pink walls, and those walls have to be guarded by men with listening devices. Who’s gonna do it? You? You, Mickey? I have a greater responsibility than you could possibly fathom. You weep for Goofy, and you curse the Secret Disney police. You have that luxury. You have the luxury of

Even more round-Earth propaganda. How much did NASA pay you guys to post this?

One big thing is your sugar intake. When you consume something with sugar, it causes a spike to your blood sugar level which in turn spikes insulin production. Unfortunately, to help process this, your body basically turns the sugar directly into fat instead of processing it for energy. What can help prevent this is

So Carly Fiorina and the rest of the GOP will be apologizing for spreading dangerous lies?

That Donald Trump’s presidential campaign is a false flag designed to allow Hillary to coast into the White House.

Bonus For more realism , each figure comes with a gallon of blood!!