
The gross part is that their response would be a standard “the studies are everywhere! You just need to go look for yourself!” Instead of actually producing any actual evidence.

The quote about getting out of bed for $x amount (it’s usually $10,000) is often attributed to various models (Kate, Naomi, Cindy, etc) and so is likely an urban myth, unfortunately. I say unfortunately because it WOULD be SO iconic if it were true :/

“If we’re lucky” is 100% right. My mom always had it in her mind that she’d bow out at 83 years old and looked forward to aging. She talked about getting eyelid surgery for years, not because of vanity but because deep-set eyes with heavy droopy lids run in our family. She died two years ago at 71 and never got to

I had a coworker who once spent a couple summers working on yachts. She said Jay-Z used to blast his own music while he jetskied around. 

I recently tried explaining to my British relatives that you have no idea how much an operation will cost before you have it. Their response was “well… doesn’t the doctor just tell you?”

The Marilyn Monroe debate has always really irritated me. I remember getting to a heated debate in High School because a substitute went on a (morally correct, but factually flawed) tirade about how Monroe was a *gasp* size 12.  Monroe was fucking tiny and sizing charts have changed vastly since her day. Her body was

Not if they imply that they represent the entire DMV, no 

Yes! Years ago I was a lowly state legislative aide and someone wrote a letter in support of a bill (that I ALSO supported) but used Department of Education board letterhead and signed it as a DoE board member. I immediately clocked it, and checked in with various lawyers/offices who all agreed that it wasn’t

I have a hard time verbalizing it but it seems strange that “we” (the Jez writers and commenters) would go CRAZY if this had been a similar post about about attacking doctors who provide Covid information or abortions, but because it’s referencing something “we” (rightfully) hate those same people it’s picked up no

I mean… she actually said that the partner who says they’re happy probably isn’t, and just isn’t admitting it.

Ugh. By this logic, I should be able to pitch my “Smoking is good for you” logo tee to Target and can sue them if they don’t want to carry it?

That inclusion in the article seemed like some kind of reverse dog whistle? The goal of pro-choice is to provide people the ability and means to actually choose. That means financially/structurally/accessibility. Just because that doesn’t exist right now doesn’t mean it’s not a worthwhile goal. So yes, I AM pro choice.

In the library of dreams I have about fucking over former employers, this is a fab idea. I’ve never been a dancer but damn I wish I could have convinced some coworkers to just stop showing up!

Why hire writers who know words anymore, though?

100% I don’t understand this scenario at all or a reason for writing about it.

Did you know you can actually make your own coffee at home for much less than $4 a cup? Shocking, I know. 

Yeah, I understood that the intent was to admonish the ice skating world in general, but it was pretty poorly written and included a lot of hot takes :/ the weirdest one, to me, was

I agree with the fact that there shouldn’t be expiration dates on athletes, but the amount of intense physical work that goes into being an elite figure skater or gymnast means that ultimately the body can only take so much before it can no longer perform at that level.

Uhhh, “mainstream (white) America” was WELL aware of Kanye before the Kardashian alliance. Did you ever go to a Kanye concert pre-2010?

Are you actually explaining Waikiki to someone who just said they’re from Hawaii?