
I’ve said this exact same thing to so many people before. I literally had never thought about a man “pretending” to be a woman so they could watch girls get changed in a gym changing room before republicans started screaming about it because… why the fuck would I even imagine someone wanting to do that?

Uh… it’s a Bravo show…

Post figure skating career Kwan went on to earn both a BA and Masters in international studies/relations. People do change careers, you know…

I’d go further and say it was straight up rude. Perhaps Jez would prefer another old white man be appointed so they can rail against that?  What’s that quote about women tearing down other something something, again?

I’m being genuine when I ask this, but can you explain how the total has grown despite payments? I understand the problem was interest, but how high does the interest have to be in order for a loan to increase despite payments being made?

I’m being genuine when I ask this, but can you explain how the total has grown despite payments? I understand the problem was interest, but how high does the interest have to be in order for a loan to increase despite payments being made?

This question made me think about how many movie scenes feature women being literally swept off their feet/lifted off a rainy street…

I kind of feel like they wanted a clean break and to save the extra expense for extras/hospital scenes by just having him die then and there. Though that could have easily been explained away in episode 2 by Carrie saying something like “by the time they came, it was too late” etc. Not sure how no writer was like

Nice and ideal but several of my mom’s friends have kids who are anti vaxx.  They both hate their kid’s views but also love their grandchildren who are innocent bystanders to their parent’s bullshit. As grandmother’s they’re also a beacon of sanity in those kids lives, too :/ 

I do genuinely enjoy Kathy, just because I think she really doesn’t give a shit and also her seemingly very real friendship with Joan Rivers, and she was truly left out to die by her supposed “friends” after that Trump photo (looking at you, Anderson Cooper). But the Gucci stuff she’s been doing lately is… Oy Vey.

Nothing to add about the Baldwins but I just wanted to say I’ve also been a Starbucks employee in the past and oh. my. god. I don’t think I’ve ever felt so disrespected and embarrassed/angry as when I routinely got publicly yelled at by people who were paying almost as much as my hourly wage for their single coffee. An

I’m a homo who used to work for Anthropologie AKA candle Mecca. I once came home to find my very straight, very bro roommate watching sports and playing with his Lego with EVERY single candle I owned lit. Like over a dozen. All different scents. I thought it was charming how much he loved those thoroughly girly

But how do you challenge institutional sexism without changing things like gendered awards?  It’s a damned-if-you-do-damned-if-you-don’t situation :/

No, it’s used as a goodbye. Hence the headline— they’re saying goodbye to gendered awards.

Wait. Did I accidentally time travel back to 2010? What the fuck is this actual article? Could I travel back a little further and start a healthy skin care regime while I’m there?

No mention of Driftwood!? Arguably a bigger song than “Side” tbh

Not to disagree with your central point but I’m pretty sure shkreli grew up the opposite to a spoiled rich kid… he just became one once he made some money.

Literal lol at your weird hot take. This isn’t some home-made video she posted to her fucking Instagram— it’s a performance she was directed to perform by a POC creator. Do you really think that Murakami didn’t know any Japanese actors who he could’ve asked to play the part if that was his vision?

I HATE when people use the term “female” when talking about women. It used to be something used predominantly by men but now I guess women are using it, too?

I’m in Hawaii, which I know sounds like not a place to complain about (and I don’t), but is really expensive and has a long history of food scarcity and poverty—to echo Claire’s comment a few comments down. There’s a reason Spam is so popular here when so many people on the mainland fear it!