
I find it weird to see Ken Marino and Casey Wilson as a couple. I love both of them, just not together.

Apparently the ratings have gone down since the beginning. I think they started going down around Valentine's Day which is when it started getting awesome.

I'm partial to drunk Nick.

I think he was trying to avoid talking about art with that girl so he stayed on the phone as long as possible.

Pretty sure "I wanna rub my face on his face" is already becoming a meme on tumblr.

It's sad watching 30 Rock knowing Alec Baldwin hates being there so much.

Can Kyle Mooney just have a thirty minute show, please? 

I really like the idea of Jess playing the straight man. A lot of people had issues with her quirkiness, and seeing the guys being totally weird makes it more fun.

They are both fully grown adults, no matter how immature Jess acts sometimes. She has a real job and she's a real woman. She can date whomever she likes. Twelve years isn't that big of a difference. My mom and dad were 13 years apart.

Yeah, it's a shame they used the word "adorkable" to market the show. I think it really turned a lot of people off that would normally be into a show like this. I really have no idea why I started watching it as I'm not a Zooey fan (not that I hate her - just no opinion), but I'm glad I did. I find it to be smarter

I was listening to a conversation between two teenagers recently and the one had never heard of Lenny Kravitz. It made me feel super old.

Yeah, I noticed it first in the Landlord episode when she's sitting on the couch talking to Schmidt. I think she's a really great actress, and I know she was a TV host for awhile, but I wonder if the eye thing made it hard for her to get work before now.

If only the kid that plays Elvin were older, he would have been a great Manny on Modern Family. The kid that plays him now is the worst child actor.

I'm a bartender and I have to make myself talk to people. It sucks feigning interest - it's the hardest part of the job!

Nick never seems to be doing anything at the bar. If I  just stood around talking to my friends I wouldn't make any tips either!

He's definitely one of those guys that looks better fat.

I heard that this was the 5th episode they shot. Which explains all the "seeing the penis" thing and the feeling stick they mentioned in the 4th episode of the series.

Yeah, I'll still watch it faithfully to the end, though.

Okay, well not really a 5 year plan, but at least rounding out the characters to have a certain plan for how they are gonna be and how things will ultimately work out for them, I guess???

I seriously adore this show. I am totally obsessed. But the one thing that scares me most is hearing the writers say they write episode to episode. I'd really rather this show have a five year plan, and I think that's what is hurting it the most.