
My least favorite part of SNL is always the musical guests. Or maybe I just hate music.

Oh man, the Amy and Jason relationship was the hottest they've ever had on that show.

I'm surprised Jess didn't leave either. Even if it was a one night stand, I'd still be freaked out by the ex-girlfriend just hanging around and ready to fight at the drop of a hat.

It is just so easy to enjoy!

Ugh. Kat Dennings is the worst! She doesn't deserve Steve Agee.

That's awesome. I saw he was an executive producer, but I guess I never noticed him before tonight!

Was that Tina Fey's husband playing Alfonso, the man with no sexual rhythm?

Me, too. I really liked the idea that Criss was willing and able to put up with Liz getting bothered by everything. He has such an aloofness about everything and I think that's good for Liz.

I really love Schmidt, but I think he's much better in small doses. If he had a whole sitcom centered around him I think he'd get a little annoying.

Oh gosh, when he's pushing the big stick around in the disposal. "GET OUT!"

Nick may be the grumpiest person on the show, but he sure makes me laugh the most!

I had no idea who Blake Lively was before she hosted, but I thought she did a great job. From what I can remember she was convincing in most of her sketches and one of the best hosts I've seen in the last few years.

Oh gosh, I was hoping I wasn't the only one. It was driving me crazy! His voice makes me want to buy the Christmas CD for my mom, though.

His face is always what makes me crack up the most!

I thought it was the worst episode of the season so far! Doggie Duty? C'mon. Also thought the Digital Short was pretty unbearable, maybe because I could care less about Matt Damon and Val Kilmer. And some musical artist I've never heard of lip-syncing? Ugh.
My favorite part of the show was probably Kristin Wiig's

Pop Pop!