Skip to 1:38 — Every once an a while Kanye get it right.
Skip to 1:38 — Every once an a while Kanye get it right.
SO SO sorry. I just got through a bad breakup with my boy, and it hurts like hell. It's ok to feel hurt and angry, those are healthy and normal feeling to have. Just keep writing, reaching out to understanding and non-judgmental friends. It hurts like hell to invest yourself so completely in someone to have them…
Why be bitter? She might be beautiful, but obviously her self esteem is shot to hell, and why would you ant to be with a gorgeous girl with no self worth enough to demand she be treated with respect. Sounds to me like you dodged a bullet.
I live in the San Francisco Bay Area, so there are always places to go every night of the week. Mondays is my favorite, they have a club called DNA and they do 'gothic' night. It is THE most ridiculously fun time ever: the outfits are outrageous, the dancing is absolutely breathtaking, and everyone is there to dance,…
Yay! I'll be thinking of you when I go dancing on monday! Go us!
Yes, I go dancing alone ALL THE TIME. It's super fun!
Oh dear, this is a tough one. You gotta get it out of your system somehow, this crush. Either by telling her about it and getting a firm yes or no from her, or by choosing to just be friends and mourning the loss of a potential mate. Either way, it might end pretty badly, and then there is a slight chance it would end…
Depends on what they are made out of—are they genuine leather? If so, they will stretch out, but it may take a LONG time of wearing them before they stretch out. In the mean time, get as thin a sock as you can stand to wear with them. My kick-ass biker leather boots that are made for men and super thick leather that I…
Going dancing at a club always cheers me up.
calling it right now. divorced in 7 years. and he will cheat.
Thanks so much for this article. I am going through a breakup right now as well, and some friends have been really not helpful at all in what they are saying to me. I try to keep in mind that I am really sensitive right now, and that they mean well, but still.
True, no drug is for everyone, but this works wonders for me. I had a horrible time with the pill, whereas this one has almost no side effects for me. It is such an individual thing.
One word ladies: NEXPLANON.
THANK YOU! This is spot-on.
Yes, thank you, so perfectly said!
As someone who suffered for 8+ years with anorexia and am now embracing the full figured body my body always wanted to be, big boobs and big butt and all, every time I see VS ads or the runway show, all I can think is, "these girls would look SO much better if they gained about 15-25 lbs."
Wow, I had to look that one up, and you're right: pretty ridiculous!
Yes! Every single woman was uncomfortably slender in this video.
I am a Roman Catholic woman, I received my Master's degree from a small roman catholic seminary, side-by-side with young men who were studying for the priesthood. Women were always more than welcome, treated the same as the boys, and I was always encouraged in both my educational and faith journey by both my fellow…
LOVE this one, but if it looks like the boobs are about to fall out on this skinny-mini model, then how the heck will it ever support my big-ass boulders?!! This is such a pet peeve of mine, and you see it all the time on red carpets and runways. My puppies need support, fashion-design people! (and yes, I get that the…