
I live in Texas and I've been feeling pretty bummed the last few days. Don't get me wrong - I love Wendy. But I think she wasn't the right candidate. She's not as experienced of a politician and the Dems lost an opportunity to take over office. It would have never been easy, but not having Bush and/or Perry on the

i'm pretty sure that this is supposed to be a house of cards reference


Definitely Pomos

iPod, not iPad.

Robin Thicke is taking notes.

Now playing

I never thought I would be saying this, but we all need to calm down and listen to Shepard Smith.

Sally Field isn't married to anyone, much less a woman. As far as I (and Google) know, she's straight.

I thought for sure this was going to be about ACL.

I got sick of XX a long time ago because everything is asking for relationship advice. Or it's just super depressing. Since I joined 18 months ago, it's been entirely self posts and there were hardly any articles or discussions aside from "My husband/boyfriend beats/is cheating on/left me" or "I'm pregnant. What

Thank you! As a note... This is the most popular internet comment I've had ever by like... 500 likes. I feel like I should print it out and frame it.

"Why don't women just tell us when they're not interested????" -Reddit

I have a hard time believing she didn't know how a plea deal worked when she, you know, explained what the lawyer told them last night on the show... They had 40 counts and if you go to trial some of the individual counts have 10+ year sentences. It's better to settle out of court for a shorter sentence when you know

When you're a reality star, it is an area of concern.

What about Lean Cuisine? Do they promote anorexia too?

No guessing - she said in the video she had her lips injected with silicone a while back.

I was the dumb hostess when I worked at PF Changs. :(

"The great state of Kansas is $200 in the hole"

I think this is a correlation/causation thing. People that are online dating are probably more likely to find themselves in a relationship since they're actively taking steps to be in one. A greater number of relationships would mean a greater number of breakups.