"'Our law' didn't permit wife beating, but set that aside. Martin clearly was using 'rule of thumb' as a figure of speech — she didn't claim it actually referred to legalized wife beating."
"'Our law' didn't permit wife beating, but set that aside. Martin clearly was using 'rule of thumb' as a figure of speech — she didn't claim it actually referred to legalized wife beating."
Median income is $53k
48ths wouldn't work out. It needs to be 1/2s (parents), 1/4s (grandparents), 1/8s (great grandparents), 1/16s (great-great grand parents), 1/32s (great-great-great grandparents), 1/64s ... And it's not mathmatically possible for any of those to be evenly divisible by 12. It's always going to have 1/3 or 2/3 remaining.
Some very weird math has to be going on for someone to be 1/12 anything.
Her tip alone is just shy of the median household income in the US.
I have friends that took all of the vowels out of their last name because they're looking for jobs. Definitely doesn't appear normal. But I guess there are way too many users to individually go through and hunt people down.
1. How does Facebook even enforce this? Do you have to scan your ID when you register?
"He said it made him feel "dead inside," which is exactly how I felt when I found out Ariana Grande's ponytail was not real."
I've only tried once and I did it wrong. I put it breast-side down so the legs and wings were done and the breasts were raw.
I've seen the iPads at Hobby, Indianapolis, and Midway. There's literally a guy whose only job is to tap the iPad.
Some airports have iPads with an app that randomizes an arrow left and right. If you please the TSA gods, the arrow will point you in the direction of the precheck line even though you are a normal.
She's admitted that it's fake. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news! http://www.eonline.com/news/502246/ar…
Literally every member of the Texas Supreme Court and Appeals Court is a Republican. It's an elected position on a statewide ballot.
I've told my manfriend that I would much rather have a ruby when we get engaged but he doesn't realize I'm serious. I'm sure I'm going to get a diamond. Which is fine but it's a shame for him to spend so much money on it.
I wonder how much extra time the schedulers allot in Kanye's concert. "Well, the performance usually runs about an hour, but we need to add in about 45 minutes of padding for rants and shenanigans."
I had an ex tell me he didn't know what he had!!! with me and this long gross pining apology to me a year into my current relationship. That doesn't invalidate my relationship. Even if I got back together with him it still wouldn't invalidate my relationship. In this case she ended up marrying the guy that was in love…
Were they really friends/good friends? I'm googling but all I can find is weird tween fanfic.
All of this plz
I just want to know what region pronounces Equator as eee-quay-ter instead of ih-quat-er, because that's how I've always pronounced it and I guess that's really wrong? I'm from Houston and no one else here says it that way, but I must have had a third grade social studies teacher from backwoods somewhere. Whenever I…