

"If you work for a "major corporation," this decision probably doesn't apply to you. There aren't a ton of closely-held corporations that one would consider to be major."

It seems like Matt Lauer is talking more than she is in that clip.

Obamacare isn't insurance that can pay for things. The ACA mandated that insurance cover birth control (among other things), but this threw that out the window for closely-held companies.

Well it's probably case-by-case.

I went to a movie with a guy who was texting constantly. I was so embarrassed to be with him because it was incredibly rude to everyone around us. I even asked him to stop and he persisted. He went to the restroom during the movie and when he came back he asked me it I saw his text! No! Because I keep my phone away at

C/P from below:

The problem is that they don't listen to it to begin with. I have had several clients tell me "I saw your voicemail but I didn't listen to it." So even if I did give more info, they wouldn't know what it was. I have left literally hundreds of voicemails and no matter how much or little detail is involved, it doesn't

I work in financial services. I don't like leaving people's account information on voicemail. I usually leave a more detailed message that includes "I'm calling about your ABC account." Either way, if I'm calling they usually know why. No matter how much detail I give them, I seldom get return calls because people

I leave voicemails. I work in an industry where I can't text. It baffles me how ridiculous people are about them. They don't answer my call because they don't recognize the number and then they just don't listen to the message. I just cannot understand the weirdness. Since when is taking 10 seconds to either say or

To be fair, they were wrong in the video, too, so you're forgiven.

"Skeet skeet" is Lil Jon. Not Lil Wayne. Important distinction.

The video says she wants bigger breasts? Her poor spine.

I went to UT and in every dorm that my friends and I lived in, there were washing machines on our floor. I have no idea what you're talking about with the walking across campus thing. Also I don't understand how that relates to the point at all.

ManFriend and I move into a townhouse next weekend where we'll have a garage (!) so I can do these things, but... no hose. Can this be done with, like, a bucket?

I don't know that I would call the rest of Texas a "desert of discrimination." I live in Houston. Our mayor is a lesbian. And we just passed an equal rights ordinance. Don't lump the major cities in with the tiny towns.

I didn't do the 17% number because a) I think their managerial stats are abysmal, as well, and couldn't decide between the two and b) I wanted to be consistent overall. But yes, if you look at their tech hires the numbers for women are even worse.

Go check out my post down-thread. I did a breakdown of STEM grads vs google's employment stats.

I pulled Census data on STEM majors, which I think is more relevant than blind outrage.