
My alma mater (public) has the same white/minority percentage (50/50) as Harvard. So I don't know that I necessarily agree with your extrapolation. Yes, Ivy League schools have less economic diversity but their racial diversity is similar to public schools. At least in my quick-and-dirty research, that is.

I currently live with my boyfriend of 3 years. We've shared a home for a year and a half. We will eventually get married. We have a whopping 660 sqft right now. I can still find room to register for a lot of things (mostly upgrades to things we already have. I would donate our current items).

I don't like honeymoon funds for a couple of reasons.

The first reason is that if you use a site like honeyfund, they take a cut of it. (2.5-7.5%, I believe). So does PayPal. If I were going to do something like that, I would prefer writing a personal check so the couple gets the whole thing.

The other thing I don't

They married sometime before 1989 (when he was <23 years old) and he entered the business world after that, so chances are all that wealth WAS generated during the marriage.

I don't think it's fair to assume that LW #3's boyfriend is in the least bit homophobic because he doesn't want to go to a gay bar. He's been to them before, he didn't enjoy the experience, and he decided he doesn't want to have that experience again. Why is that bad? I honestly don't get it. I decline invitations to

Yes. That was a joke.

Emma, good luck getting a job with an English Lit major in this economy!

An Xbox in a car??

The best part of my day is taking my bra OFF. A perma-bra sounds terrible.

There is a significant age gap between me and my siblings, as well, but I never spent time with their friends outside of functions they had where both their friends and I were invited. Certainly never in bedrooms.

I don't think it was sexual, but why is a 20 year old boy hanging out with a 13 year old girl anyway? Even Jaden is only 15. At that age, the only reason I would be spending time with people that much younger than me is if I had to.

I identify as Italian because that's what my father is and we were always closer to that side of the family. My mom is not but I know she's going to be the annoying MIL. My boyfriend's mom is lovely, but I feel bad for him because he's going to have to deal with my mom.

I was really hoping he would be for-real rapping. (I do love these though)

My brother sent one to Mickey and Minnie and got a card back.

Honestly, not really. That reads more to me like just a close-up shot. I'm sure they did both tight and full-body shots for everyone and just happened to choose the tight shot for Noel. Aidy's seems to be deliberately blocking her body, especially since a gigantic decapitated rabbit head has nothing to do with a

Is it just me or does it seem like they're hiding Aidy's body behind a giant rabbit head?

So basically this ad just proves that the placebo effect still exists.

I have a not-so-wild theory that there are celebrities among us in the commentariat so I felt so validated by this headline. I thought the story was going to be that she made a rape joke in poor taste and learned from her mistake. But that is in no way what happened. Because the whole thing is about her fictional TV

As bad as this is, it depends on the attractiveness of the guy. Paul Rudd is going to take a lot less than Steve Buschemi. It would have to be at least $40-50k, though, even for the more attractive people. So more than anyone would pay. And I would need to be single, which I am not.