
This was in Austin...

This breaks my heart! I like(d?) MLP

I honestly have no clue. I didn't go to catholic school and I was already apathetic when learning about this. If I were to guess, though, probably between everyone. I think earthly relationships are irrelevant at that point. There are no cliques in heaven. But this is just a guess. I would pull out my catechism but

I grew up catholic and my understanding was that it would be a sibling-like love. No lust, sex, etc.

There is such a thing as a socially responsible mutual fund. Many of them do not invest in pharmaceuticals and many of them track indexes fairly well. If Hobby Lobby feels that this is impacting their religious freedom that much, they should have looked into something like that so they don't directly give money to

At my alma mater, the first digit was the number of credit hours (ie 301 is a 3-hour class) and the second digit has to do with upper/lower division.

I wouldn't mind being on that selection committee

She does a good job, but is it too much to ask to know the lyrics of a song you're going to perform in front of thousands of people? The phone thing rubs me the wrong way a little bit.

I agree. With several of these I assumed that it was before some sort of performance, especially Nikki.

I never talk about this because I'm sure I'm going to get a lot of backlash for it, but here it goes. I was arrested for DWI in Austin in 2009, 3 weeks after my 21st birthday. It all boiled down to the fact that I was young and stupid and thought that bad stuff just happened to other people and not me. Alcohol also

When it happened in 2010, the driver being pursued car hit a girl on the corner opposite me (6th/congress). I can't find anything on the google but I can only imagine something like this happens every year. It's incredibly sad and very scary.

This is terrible. A few years ago during SXSW there was a police chase down Congress and the car almost hit me. Fortunately my friend pulled me out of the way.

She could have had a pension and/or social security direct depositing. It would explain never running out of money.

So I assume Jezebel's ads for this show are going to stop?

I dumped my obgyn because I asked her opinion on the Texas abortion legislation. On top of really condescending remarks, she cut me off when I said "If a woman has to have an abortion..." and told me "If she CHOOSES to have an abortion." Apparently my ex-doctor refuses to admit that sometimes it is a medical

I just watched that episode last night. That is the only reason I clicked this article. I felt so much rage over the inappropriate questions Ashleigh was asking.

I changed my name to Princess Consuela Bananahammock. My husband is Crap Bag.

If Shia has a bag over his head, how can you tell if he's crying "single tears", not smiling, or looking at you?