On Southwest, you can transfer any voucher. On American and United, the voucher holder can book a ticket (over the phone only) with anyone else's name using the voucher. The latter might be a good alternative.
On Southwest, you can transfer any voucher. On American and United, the voucher holder can book a ticket (over the phone only) with anyone else's name using the voucher. The latter might be a good alternative.
My first name is 9 letters, last name is 10, and SO's last name is 9. Both of our last name start with A's as well, so I would have the longest name ever AND it would sound like a stutter. No thanks.
I'm well aware of how debit cards work. If you don't live paycheck to paycheck, it's likely that you actually have money in your bank account at any given time. You don't have to be a millionaire to be able to swipe a debit card for $300 without over drafting. I've done it before when I left my CC at home or the bank…
$300 in a day is not the same as $300 daily. Some days I spend $1000 (rent + groceries + gas). Some days I spend $20. Some days I spend $0. I spent over $300 yesterday because I bought gas, a haircut, some makeup, and groceries. You're a fool if you can't tell the difference.
It's $100 cash withdrawal per day, which is really easy to go over if you give cash as a gift. It's $300 credit card purchases, which is easy to hit shopping for anything.
This whole video is perfect. Especially the school pictures.
I work for a life insurance company and we were the ones who started paying out death claims within a few days instead of a month. Now it's industry practice. As much as insurance gets shit on, there are good companies out there.
Fitz deserved every second of that dressing down.
"Once she had her children—Hunter and Forrest, who were named after two characters in Lisa Frank's multi-chromatic menagerie (a leopard cub and a tiger cub, respectfully)—Frank worked from home and rarely participated physically in the office."
Belle has an Australian accent, though, which drives me bonkers.
And why haven't they filled that open seat?
I don't see a big problem with any of this advice. Yes, there are exceptions to every rule. Use common sense. The criticism here is a bit of a stretch.
Does the fact that Crystal Hefner only have 2 answers circled "no" mean that at least some of the others are yes??
$1 million bail for taking some photos? Is that normal?
Doesn't the picture of vulvas hanging out on the homepage kind of render the NSFW tag pointless?
Maybe they quit instead of being cut.
I don't really understand why she was going so sensitive about her children's names last night. The other girl just said that they preferred the girls' names to her son's name. That doesn't mean anything bad, it just means that they like them all but they liked two of them more. Am I missing something?
Like I said, this was 3 years ago. :) http://gawker.com/5672720/gawker…
This was many many moons ago. I'm pretty sure it failed. It was like an awkward middle school dance with an all-girls school and an all boys school.